Page 7                                       March 1971



Would you believe, I found my old IJA membership card! It was dated 1951-52 and was signed by Earl W. Davis. I was drafted the following year and married the next. (Bad years for my juggling career!) Vin Carey had a magic shop in Baltimore at that time and I frequented him often. He introduced me to the IJA.and juggling and it has always been a hobby of mine until about 2 years ago when I got into clowning. Now I have two fine hobbies and although I have only worked in charity shows or at hospitals, children's homes, etc., I feel I have a professional act that I am very proud of.

  I only juggle 4 balls thus far and after reading of the feats of 10 year old A1 Lucas and some of your other fine members I feel like a raw amateur. I do enjoy building my props and try to keep a vein of humor in my tricks.

Juggling, balancing, spinning, etc. all go quite well with clowning and I derive untold rewards amusing children and elderly people. One thing we clowns attempt to do is visit as many aged homes as possible. They are sometimes more difficult to entertain than children and possibly this is the reason performers avoid them. Also it's not pleasant to see very old people after they've become senile or bed ridden.


I am looking forward with much pleasure to meeting and corresponding with many of the members. Perhaps one of them can even show me how to handle 5 balls.

Best wishes from "Boochee" the juggling clown-Tony

(Ed note-thanks for your letter, Tony. Keep them coming.

I hope you can make it to the Convention-I guarantee you'll find out how to fly 5 balls-and a lot morel RVD)

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Jerry Greenberg announces the biggest New York Juggle-In ever. Location is the Sail Boat Pond in Central Park , NYC. The pond is a 3 minute walk from the 72nd and 5th Ave entrance of the park. As you pass through the entrance take the first  path on the right leading down to the pond. Once at the pond look to your left for I.F.O.'s (identifiable flying objects.)

Don't forget you props - and a pair of sun glasses is always a good idea for outdoor juggling. You couldn't go wrong by bringing your camera either.   If we are rained out, the Juggle-In will be held the following Sunday, same time and place.

  For further information, call Jerry Greenberg.                    

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