Page 2 May 1971
IJA NEWSLETTER *************
Our correspondent in the German Democratic Republic, Roland Weisse, has sent me a copy of a very interesting Russian variety show business magazine. It's all in Russian, so I don't know what the title is, but there are many photographs which give an interesting look into Russian show biz.
There is a nice two page article in the magazine about Roland and his large circus and juggling memorabilia collection and includes three photographs. One photo shows Roland examining a couple of Indian clubs (Lind type), another shows a book shelf loaded with circus-type mechanical toys, and the other shows the walls of a room plastered with variety posters.
Roland also sent me recently a brochure which be has had printed that
advertises his extensive collection. The title of the brochure,
Photos show visitors from several communist countries including
The above described Russian magazine has several articles about circus subjects and contains five photos of jugglers in addition to the one of Roland. They are: Wolodij Kusmenko doing a free head stand on a pedestal and spinning a hoop on each arm and a large baton with his feet; Tekaterina Diwenok (female) juggling 3 clubs while standing on the seat of a bicycle being pedalled by Leonid Kratasjuk who is sitting on the handle bars (facing the rear) and also juggling 3 clubs; W. Melnikow juggling 5 clubs. N. Piskashew is on a 5 foot unicycle atop a 6 foot tall table that is about 3 feet in diameter and is spinning two hoops on each arm. And then there is J. Petrosjan, who is standing with each foot on a large bongo-type drum which are about 15 in in diameter and laying on their sides. In addition, he has a drum held between his legs, two strapped to his waist, which he is playing, and he is balancing another on its side on his head. All the drums are the same size.
are many other photos in the magazine showing unicyclists, hand
balancers, wire walkers, etc. I'll bring it and many other items in my
collection to the Convention.
* * * * * * * * * * * * NEW
by Roger Dollarhide. I neglected to mention in last month's Newsletter that I sponsored new member David Auchincloss. BEN