Page 2                                                                                        June 1971

THE IJA NEWSLETTER is the official publication of the International Jugglers Association. Editor is Roger V. Dollarhide, Hartford, Conn.  Subscription by IJA membership. Advertising space available: price $10 per page or prorate for fraction.



I am writing this after the Convention is all over, but I will save the convention news for the July Newsletter Convention Report which I hope to have out within the next couple weeks. Suffice it to say that the convention and World Juggling Championships were a smashing success and there was a great deal of fantastic juggling and several big surprises. More about that in the next issue.


I don't usually print non-juggling news in the Newsletter, but exercising the privilege of office, I am proud to announce that on June 19, JoAnn Marie Creamer of St. Louis, Mo became my wife in St. Louis. JoAnn got good exposure to the world of juggling by manning the registration desk at the convention.


On July 9 we saw the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus in Holyoke, Mass. It was a very good show and there were two juggling acts: Mme. Bosco, a pretty young woman (in her 20's) who did 3,4,6 rings, 3 cigar boxes, and 3,4 clubs with no showmanship whatsoever. Lou Nagy, clown juggler, did a good presentation with 3 top hats, plate spinning on a tall bending pole, 4 p1ates spinning on poles, and a short boomerang hat routine with 3 straw sombreros.  


Most of the new members listed below were signed up at the convention. Several of them had never heard of the IJA before, but saw a publicity article in the paper about the convention. So much for now. RVD


Bakst, David - sponsored by Mitch Schnaer - Jamaica, NY


Berlekamp, Prof. Elwyn sponsored by Ron Graham - U. of California, Berkelely, CA


Fegen, Paul - sponsored by Mitch Schnaer - Beverly Hills, CA


Jones, Marcus -sponsored by Roger Dollarhide - Greenfield, MA


Kraynak, Stephen Jr. - sponsored by Roger Dollarhlde - Terryville, CN


Lindstrom, Robert - sponsored by Doc Crosby - Jamestown, NY


 Perry, Irvin - sponsored by Roger Dollarhide - Manchester, CN


Price, Ivor - sponsored by Jerry Greenberg - Astoria, NY


Reynolds, James - sponsored by Doc Crosby -  Salamanca, NY


Swearingen, Robert - sponsored by Mitch Schnaer -Canton, OH

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