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October, 1972                 Volume 24 No. 10

This newsletter is the official publication of the International Jugglers Association. Editors, Ken and Carol Benge, Hanover Park, Ill. 


The following roster contains the names of those I.J.A. members who paid up for 1972.  EVERYONES 1973 dues of $6 (or $7 for family membership) will be due January 1, 1973.  So why not send them to Judy Burgess right now while you have her address at hand.

Aslett, Gilbert - San Mateo , Calif.


Auman, Oliver - Reading , Penn.


Bachman, Mr. P.F - .Justice , Ill.


Baldwin, Ben - Wesleyan University , Middletown Conn.


Barnard, A.G. - Wichita , Kansas


Barvin, George - Johnson City, New York


Beahan, Violet - Carmel, California


Beck, George - Copriol , Ontario , Canada


Benge, Ken & Carol - Hanover Park, 


Berube, Philip J. - Wanamassa, New Jersey


Black, Harold "Buster" -  Scarborough , Ontario , Canada


Blau, Bob - Houston , Texas  


Blumenthal, Lane - Colorado Springs , Colorado  


Boyle, Joseph F. Allentown , Penn


Brutto, Robert P. - APO San Francisco, Calif.


Brown, William - Johnson City , New York


Brunn, Francis - Rochelle Park , New Jersey


Burden, Bunny - Springfield , Penn .

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