Page 7                                                                           February 1973



Many people have asked about the drawings on the Newsletter. The drawings are from our own personal collection. We have collected them over the years from artists, newspapers, show business magazines, and circus programs.


For those of you who visit with Roger Montandon when going through Oklahoma you may have a surprise next time. Roger now has a - - - -burro farm!

I took a quick business trip to Las Vegas and then on to San Francisco. In Las Vegas I was treated to a great time by John McPeak and his girl friend Lorraine. I am sorry to report that I saw no jugglers working on the shows. And in San Francisco I had a pleasant phone conversation with Homer Stack. Homer said to tell all the I.J.A. members hello.

Regarding Roger Dollarhide's article on Sergei Ignatov, I had some other members send in the same information regarding age, length of time juggling, and number of objects juggled. Also several days ago I saw a movie of Sergei's act.   Thank you to all of you who wrote in on this unbelievable juggler.

Also Roger sent me a complete run-down on Sergei Ignatov's act. I will publish it next month in the juggling review part of the Newsletter.

All for now and best wishes until next month---and as Ron Graham said over the phone "Everyone should at least try and juggle one more ball at this years convention."

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