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May, 1973                 Volume 25 No.5

This newsletter is the official publication of the International Jugglers Association. Editors. Ken and Carol Benge, Hanover Park. Ill.


That's right, convention time is only days away. The dates again are May 26. 27, and 28 with a special night before party beginning at 7 P.M. at the home of Ron Graham, Chatham, New Jersey.

The back inside page of this newsletter is a map of the convention area. The Holiday Inn. 550 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave.,  Livingston. New Jersey will be the convention headquarters. The map was added so that you can just tear it off and use it for a guide when you come.

If you have thought about coming, now is the time to decide.  Any I.J.A. convention is an experience not to be missed. Come see all of the pictures, scrapbooks, and films of such jugglers as Francis Brunn, Sergei Ignatov, W.C. Fields, and Howard Nichols. And, don't forget to bring your own films, pictures, and scrapbooks. Come see the I.J.A. convention juggling championships. Come see Hovey and Judy Burgess attempt the passing of nine clubs. Will anyone juggle five clubs longer than Stuart Raynolds this year?  Come watch the comedy antics of Bob Geer. Will Roger Dollarhide throw up and catch 8 objects at this years convention? How many of the professionals will surprise us by showing up for a day or two? How many new tricks have been developed since last year? Come watch Ken Benge fall off his unicycle. Will there be any new props unveiled at this convention?

The answers to these and many many more questions will be answered only at the 1973 I.J.A. convention May 26, 27, 28, Livingston. New Jersey. See you there AND, why not bring a friend?

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