Page 5 July 1973
June IJA Newsletter brought the completely unexpected but
you think about it. there has to be plenty that is right or
my opinion the Newsletter is the most important function of IJA for it
has the responsibility of holding the interest of present members and,
what is more important, producing a publication that would encourage
both new members and the re-instatement of former members who have
dropped out for one reason or another. At one time IJA membership was
around 300. I wouldn't feel it wise to sign up members just to get the
membership up but there certainly should be a good number of genuinely
interested Jugglers that have dropped out and could be brought back
into active membership. And the way to do it Is to put out a
publication that is so important, so full of news, ideas, and pictures
that they just have to have it!
comes the $64 question. How do you make the IJA Newsletter so good
that former and new members can't resist joinlng? Most importantly,
YOU (each member) have to help by sending in material to the editor.
If you were to ask Ken Benge or any previous editor you'd find they
never really had enough material on hand so that they could choose the
best possible mix of news, pictures and informative articles. In most
cases each editor has had barely enough material for the issue at hand
and hoped a few fairly regular contributors would come up with
something before the next
editor Burgess doesn't bounce our bailout of the park I'II get back
with my ideas on how to pay for such a publication and how to use it
to get new and old members in a future article.
Naught says:"Old Jugglers never die-they just drop away." And
that's the way the ball bounces! |