Page 5 August 1974
the current
IJA membership of about 150 and dues
at $6.00 (family
membership at $7.00) it becomes evident that the slightly over $900.00
coming in isn't enough to take care of what the Newsletter is presently
doing, much less pay for any appreciable expansion. Aside
from a rich
angel or raising dues, to both of which I The
increase in membership is something that every member can help in
accomplishing. If you know some former IJA
members that have
dropped out find out why, and if they are still interested in juggling
see if you can't rekindle their enthusiasm to the point of getting them
reinstated. In addition
to word of mouth promotion the practice Ken Benge had of sending review
copies to magic magazine reviewers should be continued
and expanded to include all
allied arts publications such as Calliope
of the Clowns of America, ventriloquists' publications etc.
Whenever funds are available occasional ads in such publications could
be used. I know IJA Newsletter has and does carry advertising occasionally but there has never been a real concerted effort to promote this feature. Two thoughts on this occur to me. 1. Appoint an advertising director whose duty wou1d be to promote advertising and do the layout. 2.
Have only two or at most three issues
a year in check
and most new members are looking for props, books and collectors items. The
Clowns of America and their
magazine, Calliope, is an
example of what a dedicated
and hard working group of officers combined with
an excellent magazine can do. When I joined this group about three years
ago I was number 665. Now they are approaching the 3,000 mark. Remember
-a lot of jugglers clown and a lot of clowns juggle! It
IS too early to tell whether my little sermonette in [the]
July issue about deluging the editor with material has made an
impression but perhaps one more comment on this subject is appropriate.
Many members might feel that they can't write well enough to submit.
Forget your modesty and send news, ideas and pictures and let the editor
choose and edit if necessary - that's what we pay him for - or do we pay
him?! Jug
Juggleson used to say his salary was 2150 -21 hamburgers and 50 cents.
At today's beef prices that sounds like a pretty good salary. And
that's the way the ball bounces! |