Page 3                                                                      February, March, April 1974




Received the book "Kara" King of Jugglers and Juggler to Kings, a Biography of this World Famous Judgler of his time. Hermann Sagemuller is the Author, and it is a very good book about his life and career.


I was fortunate to see Kara's fantastic and unique act here in Cleveland (B. F. Keith Palace Theatre) several times during the week of December 18th 1922, and also again in Chicago several years later, when I was doing a double juggling act known as Joe Cody and Brother.


He worked in about 3/4's stage in a plush, blue curtain and made his entrance in Full Dress. His music was Valse Bluette which perfectly suited his suave style of working. He carried an assistant who added light comedy relief. "Kara" was the greatest object juggler using Top Hat, Cigar also Umbrella, his Gloves, Knife, Fork and Turnip (dyed to look like a Grapefruit), Plates, a marvelous and unique 5 Ball routine, the Sliding Picture Frame, Billiard Cues and other props - both big and small objects; one trick was juggling a Wicker Table (round), a Chair and a Newspaper which was in a Newspaper Holder Stick such as used in European libraries.


The book is in German, is 80 pages and cover. It is illustrated with 31 photos, also, several programs, a letter from "Kara" to Adanos, and old advertisements. "Kara" was born in 1867 and died Easter Sunday 1939. The book includes descriptions of the many different tricks he did. He originally started in circus when it was the custom to wear tights; he first performed as a juggler October 17, 1883.  -- Bobby May


Sagemuller, Hermann

Michael Kara - Konig der Jongleure. Jongleur der Konige. Baldingen ( Federal Republic of Germany ), Hermann Sagemuller   [1973] 80 p.  illus, 18 cm. $4 Chronology: pp. 73-78.

[I share Hermann Sagemuller's hope that many IJA members will be interested in his book - it is beautifully done and probably the most scholarly work to ever grace the juggling fraternity. The $4.00 includes Air Mail delivery. If he meets his printing costs he will publish another juggler biography - on the great Rastelli! - Editor


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