Page 4                                                                                     Summer 1974


On Saturday IJAers were admitted free to the Circus HaII of Fame where they were able to enjoy the collection and regular circus performances (including Ricky & Tommy Weinholdt's Trampoline and Juggling/Unicycle Acts). Then came the IJA Public Show. Emceed by Bob Blau, the line-up included: Dick Francis (rings); Rudi Fritz (close bender); Bob Geer (comedy cigarette magic); Martin Gray (devil sticks, flaming torches); Jerry Greenberg (club routine, object manipulation); Peter Kogen & Don Reed (Ping Pong balls); Sascha Krakow (cups & saucers); Nate Stein (ball routine); Joe Sullivan (clown juggling) and, of course, everyone in the traditional "Big Toss-Up" Finale. In the audience was the celebrated equestrienne, May Wirth. The Director of the Circus Hall of Fame presented IJA with a check for One Hundred Dollars and incoming IJA President Dick Francis presented the Circus Hall of Fame with a fiberglas Juggling Club - provided by Stu Raynolds - with the signatures of the 1974 IJA Convention attendees. The club is now on display with the Vin Carey Collection at the Circus Hall of Fame.


The following signed-up for and attended the Saturday night banquet-$ 8. 25 per plate.


1.    Carter Andrews   

2.    Doug Andrews 

3.    Mark Bates    

4.    Ken Benge 

5.    Bob Blau    

6.    Jim Boehmler   

7.    Hovey Burgess 

8.    Judy Burgess           

9.    Randy Campbell   

10.  Hillary Carlip   

11.  Roger V. Dollarhide

12.  Hamilton Floyd'         

13.  Dick Francis

14.  Mrs. Dick Francis 

15.  Rudi Fritz  

16.  Bob Geer

17.   Martin Gray         

18.  Jerry Greenberg 

19.  Joan Herzfeld

20.   Peter Kogen 

21.   "Freddy" Krakow    

22.   Ben McEachin       

23.   Michael Marlin

24.     Jimmy Raynolds

25.     Stu Raynolds

26.  Don Reed

27.  Lana Roberts

28.  "Shower" Sandor

29.  Dennis Soldati

30.  Nate Stein 

31.  Joe Sullivan

32.  Joe Temple     

33.  Joe Temple III

34.  Betty Weinholdt  

35.  Ricky Weinhold 

36.  Tommy Weinholdt

37.  Willy Weinholdt


Sunday afternoon two car-loads of IJAers visited the Ringling Museums (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art; John Ringling Residence "Ca'd'Zan"; and the Ringling Museum of the Circus).

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