Page 6 October - November 1977
Bunks is attending the
RBBB clown
Bob Blau writes that he is keeping busy, performing his juggling and magic acts. Bob also wrote a while back that he had seen the act of Danny Daniels, the "Musical Juggler" from Detroit who does "... great comedy juggling mingled with virtuoso harmonica, piano, and organ. He does the best 'reverse bounce' with a ball that I have ever seen -- more speed, height, and action -- unbelievable! He does the well known 'under the table' return but he gets more out of it than most of us. My protege and now star in her own right, Cathie Hawkins, also witnessed Daniel's act."
Red and Suzy Lynde'and their Victorian house in Melrose, Massachusetts, were featured in the "Your Home" magazine supplement to the Sunday, October 2, 1977, issue of the Boston Globe.
Len Mazel was on the October 27, 1977, edition of the Gong Show on NBC-TV. He did a brief but fine act of cigar box balancing.
Mike Marlin performed at a recent college showcase in Charleston, South Carolina, from which he received a number of bookings; the showcase provided an opportunity for performers to be seen by people booking acts for colleges throughout the country. Mike will also be on the Don Kirchner Rock Concert on TV at a date to be announced.
Robert Nelson recently taped a Chevy Monza commercial which will be aired for thirteen weeks starting the first week in November: he juggles five apples in a reverse cascade.
Forest Little sent a note that he enjoys reading the Newsletter and has been an IJA member since the first convention in Jamestown, New York, in 1948.
Rich Chamberlin writes that they are in the process of forming a juggling club in the Buffalo area. They had a local paper print a picture of a juggler and a bit about the club in their Sunday paper. They also got a local TV station to carry a ninety second film clip and interview of Paul Kois, Billy Ryan, and Rich himself which was shown on both the noon and evening news. Rich says they put in a good plug for the IJA. See the Calendar of Juggling Events elsewhere in this issue for the time and place of their monthly juggling meeting in Buffalo.
Steve Mills is going on the school assembly circuit.
Peter Cunneen was in Boston for a few days not long ago. He gave performances at Harvard Square and Faneuil Hall while in town.
David LeDoux asks, "Has anyone heard of notation being used to describe juggling such as Labanotation which is used to describe dance?"
Roger Dollarhide reports that Adrian Sullivan recently took a vacation tour of the U.S. and Canada by bus and hitchhiking. Adrian has given Roger a substantial portion of his photo and prop collection as he has a shortage of storage space. Printed items in the portion of Adrian's collection Roger now has include original Harry Lind show bills, and props include balls once belonging to Lottie Brunn, Mike Brunn, and Eddie Morgan.
Adrian Sullivan himself wrote to say the he expects to be at the Eugene convention "with bells on."
and Betty
Dan Jeffery sent an article from the July 31, 1977, issue of his home town newspaper, the Moline, Illinois, Sunday Dispatch. Dan visited Moline on his way back to his present home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, after attending the convention in Delaware. The article reports how Dan got into juggling, the help he got from former vaudeville juggler, Francisco, another IJA member, and what Dan hopes to do with his juggling. The article covers a full halfpage with four great, big photographs of Dan. In a note included with the newspaper clipping, Dan also reports that he got a brief spot on WQAD, channel 8 TV, while in Moline. Also, in early October Dan performed for the Council for Exceptional Children Fair in Albuquerque.
Henry Klaiman sent a note saying that Barrett Felker and
others were in Denver recently putting on shows at the Renaissance Arts
Faire, and that they were also shown briefly on a local TV station's
coverage of the event. Henry also sent a newspaper clipping from the
January 15, 1977, edition of the Denver Post which that his list of the best Eastern European jugglers in the May 1977 Newsletter should have included Jindra Merbs (and Sonya), "a very good juggler who does nine hoops (solo!), and six hoops with a ball bouncing on his forehead, and who is also a vir.tuoso of three clubs (and four and five also)."
The September 1977 edition of the Mime Times, published by the Celebration Mime Theatre of South Paris, Maine, notes that Garbo and Jillian were invited to perform at Lou Tannen's 15th Annual Magicians Jubilee held in Lock Sheldrake, New York. It is also announced in the same issue of the Mime Times that Garbo and Jillian will be performing under the auspices of the Celebration Mime Theatre until May, 1978, at which time they will take a year's sabbatical from their performing program. Their show, "A World of Comedy & Magic", will have been performed over 350 times in two-and-onehalf years by the time they take a break next May. In the "
Jugglers in the News and on TV" column in the last issue of the Newsletter, mention was made of New York's Big Apple Circus. In addition to jugglers Michael Moschen, Paul Binder, and Michael Christensen who were mentioned last issue, members of the now disbanded Triplopy juggling group, Karen Gersch and Jessica Hentoff, were also in the Big Apple Circus troupe. Jessie was featured in a perch pole act near the end of this past season's run of the circus. |