Page 3                                                 March - April 1978




Rich Chamberlin writes to say that the Buffalo Juggling Club is continuing to grow and attract more jugglers. They had groups of jugglers perform at the half­time for two Buffalo Braves NBA basketball games: On December 27, 1977, Ron Hanel and Darin Beutel did their juggling and unicycle act; and on January 17, 1978, five 4th grade students of Rich Chamberlin and eight 8th grade students of Earl Tomkins put on a half-time juggling program before nearly 10,000 people. Rich also did a one minute juggling routine which appeared on the evening news. of a local TV station.


Jim Gagnepain reports: "Juggling is really picking up in St. Louis. We have recently formed a juggling club here which meets every week on Thursday. We encourage anyone to stop by who is in the area. Contact any of the St. Louis jugglers listed in the IJA Roster for the time and location. A local TV station gave us ten minutes of air time recently to promote the art of juggling.


The February 4, 1978, issue of the Seattle Times included on page A-1 a large color picture of juggler Dawn Thomas and an article about the many thousands of people in the Seattle area learning to juggle. Dave Finnigan and Juggle Bug Inc. are credited with creating much of the interest in juggling in Seattle, and Finnigan is quoted at length in the article. There is another related article on page A7 of the same issue with more quotes from Finnigan and mention of the IJA.


On Saturday, January 21, 1978, Mike Marlin was on TV on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert. At least that was that date the show was aired in the Boston area.


On February 7, 1978, the Fantasy Jugglers (Don and Lana Reed) performed on the "Club-44" show in PBS station WGBX, Channel 44. Lana did her scarf juggling routine and Don did his four ball manipulation and juggling routine and his three ball juggling routine.


The January 18, 1978, issue of the Dailv Kent Stater carried an article and two pictures on jugglers John Palmstrom, Mary Joyce, and John Spurney. The article mentions that all three are IJA members. It also mentions that Mary learned to juggle from her father, a former professional juggler. I believe this was Bernard Joyce, founding member of the IJA.


On page 3 of the October 1977 issue of Unter Haltungskunst, a variety arts magazine from East Germany, is a story and photograph of a young woman juggler, Andrea Hardy.


Secretary/Treasurer Carol Benge has stated that she will not be running for re­election for either office. I am sure President Dennis Soldati and his Nominating Committee will be interested in hearing from anyone interested in running for either of these offices.


From the day after Christmas until New Year's Day, the Sikorsky's had an engagement at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., for the Smithsonian's Christmas celebration. The Sikorky's appeared as roaming jugglers, and drew much attention from the 35,000 people who visited the Institution daily. The Smithsonian provided special costumes, and while this is not their normal line of work, the Sikorsky's feel the event was a huge success for them. During their run, they appeared on all D.C. TV channels.


The December 31, 1977, issue of the North Shore Magazine had a two page article entitled "Hooked on Juggling" including two large pictures of Boston area jugglers and IJA members Eric and Marie Perrson. Eric and Marie are the prime movers of the Boston area chapter of the Clowns of


America and have gotten a lot of Boston area clowns involved in juggling. The article mentions the IJA and encourages every reader to believe that they too can learn to juggle, and that it's not an art only for gifted performers.


Once again the IJA has been mentioned in the pages of Scientific American, and again in connection with Ron Graham. On pages 124 to 133 of the March 1978 issue Ron has an article entitled "The Combinatorial Mathematics of Scheduling". On page 23 of the issue is Ron's biography including mention of the fact that he is a past-President of the IJA.


The Coast Guard Academy second annual indoor, regional convention March 5th was by all accounts a great success. The organization was superb with commemorative T-shirts for sale, coffee and donuts available, etc. The attendance was also excellent with perhaps 100 jugglers there. The event was so conducive to juggling that even Roger Dollarhide was seen doing it (and very well too).

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