Page 7                                                                                        October / November 1978



The convention was photographed with 35mm Ektachrome slides (from which color prints can be made) and on 35mm Tri-X black and white film, for black and white prints. Photo prices are as follows: Color-3W'X5", $1.50; 5"X7", $3.50; aXl0, $7.00; 11 "XI4", $10. Black and White-3"X5" $1.50; 5"X7", $2.00; a"x 1 0", $3.00; 11 "X 14", $5.00. For postage and mailing envelope, add $.25 for 3X5s, $.50 for 5X7s, $1.00 for ax lOs, $2.00 for 11 X 14s. Enclose full payment with your order. Order by set number and description as follows:


Color set 1. Bob Bryant one shot and Norm Johnson a shots taken outside at preconvention party (with wide angle lens either against blue sky or into sun for wild effects) juggling 4 clubs and 4 tennis racquets. Also several shots of Norm juggling among modern concrete sculptures. Convention room overall scene full of jugs; Hovey, Judy Burgess and Gary Calder passing 9 ring triangle; Andy Swan posing club catch-on and juggling 3 clubs; Luke Walden, 3 scarves against plain background; Calder, Judy, Hovey, 10 (?) ring line; Morganti posing against plain background with wild expression looking at jug balls 2 different shots; Felker, 7 rings; Lheith giving multiplex workshop.


Color set 2. Kit Summers passing 9 clubs with unidentified fellow; Young fellow in white shirt (Haines?) jumping rope on 5 ft. uni., 2 shots; Robert Nelson outside juggling 4 and 5 brightly colored balls and showing butterfly tattoo on his bald head (shots taken from overhead); Avner Eisenberg posing with "pet" rolled napkin against plain background, 4 shots.


BW set 1. Group photo-approximately 190 people; overall scenes of preconvention juggling outside at park; new officers group; Champions group.


BW set 2. Outside at preconvention party. Low angle looking up at Bryant doing 4 clubs and Norm Johnson doing 4 and 5 racquets; Scott McKay doing yo-yo, 2 shots; Dan Heine, 5 balls; Bill Barr talking to Roger French and friend about next year's convention; 6 people in 2 rows passing clubs across.


BW set 3. Norm Johnson outside juggling 4 racquets among modern sculptures-several good shots.


BW set 4. Jackman outside pirouetting with 3 clubs in air; overall shots of convention room full of jugs; John Robinson, diabolo; reri Biller, 3 balls; Judy Burgess, singing diabolo; Hovey doing the singing top; Steve Mills, John Luker, Summers, Haines (?) all on tall unis passing clubs; Felker tossing 5 clubs high.


BW set 5. Jackman, 7 rings; Felker 5 rings double shower; Haines (?) on 5 foot uni juggling 5 rings; Andy Swan posing with 3 club juggle and catch-on; Donna DiMeo and Bob Leith at prop booth with Rich Chamberlain; Hovey and Judy passing 10 clubs and back to back overhead passing with 7 clubs with audience looking on. Unidentified fellow with beard balancing stick on knee and balancing 3 sticks; Bryant with ball spin on mouth piece and juggling 4 rings on roly poly.


BW set 6. John Luker doing nunchucks; Bob Bryant, 4 racquets; Greg Albert "feeding" 5 jugs clubs; Calder, 5 balls; Nelson, 4 balls outside showing but­terfly tattoo on his bald head; Mills and Carol Haines doing 3 clubs together.


BW set 7. Summers, 5 clubs; Jackman, 4 club double shower; Larry Merlo, 3 knives; Tim White, Thor Matheson back to back passing balls overhead.


BW set a. Loon, 3 clubs; Summers and Held passing 6 and 7 rings on short unis; Summers and Held each walking tire of short uni and juggling 3 clubs; Jackman bouncing uni and juggling 3 clubs; Jackman spinning ball on mouthpiece and juggling 4 rings on short uni, also 6 rings on uni and 7 rings on floor; Mills, 6 rings on tall uni.


BW set 9. Jerry Shuman doing Quixstix, 2 shots; Luker doing forward devil stick roll; Summers, 3 clubs under leg on tall uni; Hovey teaching man to jug­gle for TV; Paul Reid, 3 and 5 balls; Jack Plimpton, 2 handed ball roll; Carol Haines passing 3 clubs with 2 unidentified guys all on tall unis; Mike Kass demonstrating kickups while juggling 3 and 4 clubs for audience.


BW set 10. Steve Mock demonstrating 3 ball routine for audience, 13 good shots; Mock passing 7 (?) balls with Joe Jordan; Lheith doing multiplex with 7 and a balls; Thelma and Davey Finnegan smiling for camera.

BW set 11. Jackman, a rings; Karamozov Brothers passing clubs; Will Harmon relaxing on floor with props; Chris Dodge standing on Darren Jacobs shoulders each doing 3 clubs; Bill Barr, Hovey and judy talking; Jeremy Scofield, 5 balls with "rainbow wall" of juggling room as background; Hillary Carlip, Garbo, Rich Dingman and Tim Dingman passing clubs in line; Robert Nelson in black outfit and hat talking seriously with another fellow similarly dressed-they obviously have something in common!; John Newton and Francis Heeberly relaxing on floor watching the goings-on; Hovey anp Judy 6 clubs back to back; Hovey laughing.

BW set 12. Overall shot of business meeting; Lheith demonstrating multiplex at workshop; Hovey, judy, Calder passing 10 (?) rings in line; Luke Walden juggling 3 scarves; Garbo, Lheith and 3 other unidentified jugs in serious discussion; Arthur Lewbel and Dave Walden doing drop backs with clubs (6 clubs altogether).


BW set 13. Championship awards at banquet. Dollarhide presenting medals or ribbons to Decker, Jackman, Felker, Davidson, Mills, Mock, Marlin and "Dead Body", Garbo and Jacobs; Mike Marlin MOing banquet, Steve mills and pretty fiance Carol Haines being introduced and congratulated on their up-coming marriage; various banquet show performers including Morganti, Jackman, Eisenberg, Vaksman, plus several whose names I didn't get in­cluding the "vaudeville" performer with the dog. (Ed. note-Rev. Chumleigh and Brody, dog of the future).


BW set 14. Joe Jordan demonstrating ball routine to admirers; Nelson ball juggling for ABC TV; Fred Anderson and Michael Goudeau, 6 club overhead pass; Summers, 6 rings; Mills and Haines smiling for camera; Walden and Barr talking; Convention CoChairmen Wakemen and Dewart"Working (what else?); Peter Davison demonstrating ball rolling on head, 4 shots; Morganti posing with wild look at jug balls, 3 shots.


BW set 15. Sequence of 20 shots of TV screen showing the "CBS Evening News With Bob Schieffer" spot on the championships. Sequence shows Schieffer and title, then Schieffer making intro with photo of W.e. Fields in background, then several individual shots of Mazel, Jordan, Swan, and Held. Then there is an 11 frame sequence of Mills winning the numbers event with 5 clubs, collapsing on the floor and embraced by Carol Haines. This set is sold on­ly as a complete aXl0 contact sheet for $3.00 plus mailing. This series was taken with the camera on a tripod so all frames are centered and focused and corjectly exposed.


ROGER DOLLARHIDE - Hartford, Connecticut

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