Page 2                                                 January - February 1979




Dear Donna,

We of Northern New Englapd are proud to announce the formation of the University of New Hampshire Juggling Club!


The UNHJC meets every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. until everyone gets juggle-tired and wrist-sore in the Memorial Union Building on eampus. Roughly ten to twenty (how rough can you get?) beginning and in­termediate jugglers gather weekly to share tricks, get newcomers started, and work on partner and formation patterns and passes; some compatriots use the time to tryout clubs, rings, scarves and a variety of auxiliary juggling "junk", or to perfect numbers cascades or solo routines. Whatever the motive, by the conclusion of the night's workouts, we're all feeling good about ourselves, each other, and juggling.


The club is anxiously looking forward to performing in local streets, pubs, malls - both for our own egos and for the sake of spreading the Juggle Bug to the rest of the Seacoast area; we're also hoping to attend, en masse, as many regional IJA con­ventions as we hear about, as well as the national convention next summer to meet and juggle with the rest of the juggling world.


For the record, the club officers are: Paul Baur, Bureaucrat;  Guy Livolsi, Vice-Bureaucrat;  Bruce Johnson, Master-at-Hands


(not to mention yours truly). Anyone interested in joining us for our very informal get-togethers (if we were more informal we wouldn't even get together) can write us at this address (or can call me - I'm listed on the IJA roster under the pseudonym of David Levesque, UNH Juggling Club, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.)   We'll be on the next IJA roster so we can get on all the good mailing lists, too. You'll be hearing more from us, so we'll see you around.


SQUE - Scribe, UNHJC



Dear Donna,

A belated congratulations to IJA's new editor!


...A letter from Bobby Menary of Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, asks a question perhaps some reader can answer. He writes," I once met a lady juggler called Veronica Martell. She starred in the film, "The Greatest Show on Earth". She was on a visit to Ireland and at present lives in New York City, I believe. What I want to know is if she is related to Anita Martell. I also have a clipping about Rita Martell. Any relation? Does anyone have a current address for Veronica Martell?"


Jug Juggleson writes:" Dear Roger, This gal Donna looks like she is going to put real class in them newsletters like I done when I was writing for the Bulletins but I gotta question to ask as I see she is a English. teacher and knows how to juggle the words, ha, ha. After doing my sensational eight club shower I sometimes drop them all. What I want to know is do the clubs lay on the floor or lie on the floor. "


Roger Montandon, Bixby, OK


Ed. note: In reply to the perennial lie-lay question posed by Mr. Juggleson, the answer is that clubs lay, and people lie.




Dear Friends,

...To introduce myself, aside from my official title mentioned below, I am a member of the local Strombolis, a loosely-knit family of jugglers whose only relation is the motivation to make balls dance. We meet every day at noon and/or sunset to share with, learn from, and teach each other our favorite pastime.


The purpose of this letter is to invite you and your friends to our community on Sunday, April Fool's Day, 1979. That is the date of our third annual "Juggler's Convention", a popular tradition for novice and expert jugglers alike. It's a contagious hobby, so by the day's end our whole town is bobbing with the passing of spheres. The event will take

place in a 4 acre park, and scheduled performances will make use of a 20' x 15' outdoor stage facing a 500 + capacity ampitheatre.


If your organization knows of anyone willing to perform at this event, please have them contact me. I hope all this sounds enticing...


Eagerly awaiting your response,


Lisa Pompa - Cultural Arts Coordinator,

Isla Vista Recreation & Park District, Isla Vista, CA.



Dear Donna,

Hi! I'm a clown with the Blue Unit of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and have just become a member of the UA. Dennis Soldati informed me that I can place a request in the newsletter to have other UA members visit me while I'm on tour with the show. If this is possible, I would sincerely appreciate it. I'm extremely anxious to meet and talk with persons as wild and crazy about juggling and performing as I am.


The Blue show will open its tour January 26.


My mailing address, as of then, will be: Beth Ashworth, Clown Alley, Washington, D.C.




Beth Ashworth

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