Page 12                                                November 1979


by Karen Chekola, novice participant


With preparations for July's IJA Convention well underway in Fargo, townspeople are getting their chance to share in the fun. The convention was prominent among topics discussed at the Open Workshop held September 30 to kick off the year's juggling activities.


Larry Olson organized the afternoon session, which drew people from Fargo as well as surrounding communities. Ranging in age from 5 years through 50 and in ex­perience from recent initiates to rather long time enthusiasts, the group made plans to gather weekly 10 share jugglers' tricks and techniques. They talked also of sampling related skills such as mime, magic and the­atre, by inviting artists from those areas in throughout the year. Once sufficiently polished, the club plans to make itself available for benefit performances in the community.


Along with the meeting and several hours of juggling practice with individualized lessons by Olson, workshop participants were offered a highly motivational program. They saw and discussed the W.C. Fields film "The Great McGonigle" and viewed slides of competition at last summer's Amherst convention. They were introduced to several books on juggling and equipment available and were treated to Olson's command performance - a demonstration of his skill at five and six balls. His suggestions on performance routines followed by a session of partners juggling rounded out the day.


Olson described the open workshop as an attempt to build public enthusiasm for the 1980 summer convention and, more importantly, for the art of juggling in general. In his words, "It's what I wish someone would have done for me when I was getting started."


(Note: The dates of next summer's convention in Fargo have been changed to coincide with a change in the dates of the city's midsummer festival and street fair. New dates are Tuesday, July 15 through Sunday, July 20. Be there!)

As Rollon looks on... Fargo jugglers (I-r) Skip Hunt, Larry Olson, Greg Butler and Thomas Jefferson (right photo) keep in shape for '81. The Viking with the uni was given to Fargo by the people of Rouen, France in 1911. The Great Northern Depot Park was named in pre-Amtrak days.

As Rollon looks on... Fargo jugglers (I-r) Skip Hunt, Larry Olson, Greg Butler and Thomas Jefferson (right photo) keep in shape for '81. The Viking with the uni was given to Fargo by the people of Rouen, France in 1911. The Great Northern Depot Park was named in pre-Amtrak days.

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