Page 7                                                 February 1980



Mike Howden (Lake Oswego, OR) asks that jugglers with particular specialties and skills mail him quality pictures of themselves and descriptions of their tricks for inclusion in his forthcoming book "Juggle And Have A Ball."


Geno, IJA vice-president (Santa Monica, CA 90406) has found that Guinness Book officials are interested in juggling records. Send him a description of any attempt you may be willing to try and he will contact Guinness.




Vice-President's Report


Which way do we turn at the crossroads of success?


By Geno, IJA Vice-President Los Angeles, CA


While trying to organize this article, I found myself in a dilemma, trapped between two concepts! There was the urge to report the heartwarming isolated incidents that jugglers like to share, but also a feeling of obligation to delve into more complicated conceptual problems surrounding the IJA's long-term effectiveness,


After a strenuous internal debate, my final decision was that I should try a little of both! It's hard to resist telling people I taught an 8-year old boy to juggle in less than two minutes while changing clothes in the locker room of a health club!


Childrens' ability to juggle is a constant source of surprise to me. In a recent class at a Los Angeles elementary school I taught 11 of 14 children to juggle. They have now purchased lacrosse balls and are well on their way to addiction.


On the L.A. scene, the Juggler's Forum had 64 jugglers at a recent meeting. Other groups are springing up in the surrounding area, providing jugglers with more nights to gather during the week. Ten jugglers were cast in the soon to be released movie "Xanadu," and rumor has it there will be juggling in the movie "Popeye," which will be shot soon.


I have obtained a videotape copy of the "Real People" TV show which was shot at the Amherst Convention last summer. It will be available for viewing at the Fargo convention this coming July 15-20.


My thoughts now turn serious. As we enter the '80s, it seems an excellent time to look back and evaluate as well as look ahead and project. As Tom Dewart, IJA president, pointed out in the last issue, the 70s saw unprecedented growth in the IJA. However, it remains a very loosely knit organization with virtually no direct management system.


To accommodate continued growth, it seems essential that the IJA increase the scope and quality of its services to mem­bers. We should acquire and maintain a polished and pro­fessional public profile without losing our friendly and open 'grass roots' nature. Such improvements would make the IJA more appealing to the truly superior jugglers of our age who are often conspicuously absent from our conventions.


Without taking ourselves too seriously, it seems that we should adopt a more vigorous philosophy of operations and take greater pride in the fact that we are members of a unique organization comprised of marvelous and refreshingly eccentric people that share in an inspired endeavor called juggling.

Juggling has that rare quality of crossing the boundary be­tween sport and the performing arts. Its vast potential appeal has been demonstrated by the wide spectrum of people who participate. The IJA is pledged to assist fellow jugglers.


Increasing the public's awareness and appreciation of our activity is an apparent step in that direction.

The purpose of this column is to arouse thoughts and re­sponses. Your opinions are welcome, important and helpful. Active members are the key to our success. In the next issue I will outline more specific and possibly controversial ideas for the future. Happy New Year!

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