Page 2                                                                                       October 1980


By Gene Jones, IJA President, Grossingers, NY

As I sat down to write this month's column, it came to my attention that I have submitted artictes for a year now. As an anniversary present to myself, I read over all I have written so far.

In the course of a year. my column has changed from a reporting of Los Angeles juggling news to statements and questions of soul-searching idealism, and then most recently to itemization of some specific goals for the IJA.  In this issue, I want to combine a little of all these aspects. offering them to you as my suggestions for the future direction of the IJA.

First of all, I hope everyone saw the NBC "Games People Play" segment September 25 which included coverage of our 1980 Convention in Fargo.  The segment was aired in prime time, and was tastefully done. In talking to producers from Ohlmeyer Productions (who put together the footage), I found out that both of them have bought props and are now hooked on juggling back in Hollywood. For those who missed the show, we will have a copy for viewing at next summer's convention in Cleveland.

 At this time, I've begun negotiating television coverage of future conventions, as the agent for the IJA according to a board of directors decision. The possibilities are exciting, but also a matter of great concern as we all seek to retain the informality that makes conventions so enjoyable. We have also established a relationship with the Cleveland Indians baseball team, and I expect we will negotiate some sort of tie-in with them for the Cleveland convention.


The publishers of the Guinness Book of World Records have asked me to submit a list of possible categories for a potential section on juggling in the next edition of the book. I would like to receive suggestions from people. Mail correspondence to me in care of the Newsletter.


That, in a nutshell, is the latest news. In August I mentioned seven potential goals. One was to formulate standard procedures for arranging annual conventions. An information sheet on this subject is being prepared and will be available to members by January 1. I encourage members interested in hosting conventions to contact members of the Board of Directors as far in advance of the Cleveland Convention as possible about this. We want to plan two years ahead from now on.


Progress is being made in acquiring tax-exempt status for the IJA. To avoid certain limitations on our operations, we need to derive some revenue from sources other than membership dues. Voluntary contributions would help. Once we achieve tax-exempt status, all contributions and member­ship dues will be tax-deductible. Additional revenues would go far toward professionalizing the IJA, allowing us to expand services to members. Possible improvements include:


- improved communication between members of the Board of Directors, even semi-annual meetings of the group.


- Expanding the Newsletter.


- Printing an improved annual roster, including more information about each member's skills.


- Active pursuit of superior convention sites.


-Setting up a jugglers' Hall of Fame.


-Sanctioning more events.


- Establishment of a print and/or film library of juggling resources.


- Holding down membership dues through income from other sources.


Some of these ideas seem like far-away dreams, but they are all reachable realities that we need to achieve to keep pace with the rapid increase in the popularity of juggling. Our major concern is to preserve the IJA as the world's foremost organization for jugglers, to truly serve its members and enrich the world.

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