Page 4                                                                                       October 1980

Notices, Meetings

Anchorage , AK -Juggling class meets Wednesday 7-9 p.m. at the Anchorage Community :College in the multi-purpose room. Call Jim Kerr.


Atlanta , GA - Atlanta Jugglers Association meets Tuesday and Thursdays, 6-8 p.m., Moreland School , corner of Euclid and Austin Aves. NE.  Call Rodger French.


Boston , MA- The MIT Juggling Club meets from 1-5 p.m. Sundays in the lobby of Building 13 on campus. Warm days, the meetings will be in front of the Student Center . Call John Robinson.


Buffalo , NY -The Buffalo Juggling Club meets on a racquet ball court, where high ceilings, good lighting, hardwood floors and freedom from ob­stacles make juggling ideal. Call Rich Chamberlin.


Charlotte , NC- The Charlotte Jugglers Association meets Tuesday night 8 - 10 at Spirit Square . Call Bob Giduz.


Chicago, IL- The Chicago Society of Juggling meets Saturday from 3-5 p.m. at the Academy of Movement and Music, 111 Marion , Oak Park.. Call Mike Vondruska or Paul Zimmerman.

Cleveland , OH- The Case Western Reserve University Juggling Club meets Wednesday during the school year at 5 p.m. in Adelbert Gym. Call Terry Butler.

  Durham , NH- The U.N.H. Juggling Club meets Wednesday 7-11 p.m. in the Memorial Union Building on campus. Call Mark Neisser.

  East lansing , MI- The MSU jugglers meet Tuesday from 6 to 8:30 at the MSU Union Tower Room. Call Daniel Sadoff.


Eugene, OR-Beginning and advanced juggling classes will be on Monday and Tuesday respec­tively at the Lane Community College downtown center 7-9 p.m. during the 1980-81 school year.  All jugglers passing through town are encouraged to stop in and participate. Call Tom Dewart or Janet Planet.


Evanston , IL-Jugglers meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Robert Crown Center , 801 Main St. Call Jack Snarr.


Hermosa Beech, CA- The South Bay Juggling Club meets on the beach at Hermosa Pier Wednesdays from 5 to dark and Sunday afternoons. Call Andy Untz.


Honolulu , HI-Jugglers gather Monday nights in front of City Hall near the Skygate sculpture 5 p.m.


Houston, TX - The Houston Jugglers Associa­tion meets Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at Bell Park on Montrose Ave. at Milford St. Call Jay Herson or Jim Berger.


Johnstown , PA-For juggling information, call Dick Lorditch.

Los Angeles , CA - L.A. City College offers juggling courses periodically.

  Minneapolis , MN-For information on juggling gatherings, call John Linn.

  Nashville , TN-Jugglers meet Sunday afternoons in Centennial Park.


Portland , OR - A group meets at Reed College gym Wednesday nights from 7-9. Call Dave Heine.

Rochester , NY -The Rochester Juggling Club will meet November 2 and December 14 at St. Joseph 's School gym, Penfield , NY . Call Greg Moss.


San Francisco , CA-Jugglers meet all day Sunday in Golden Gate Park near the Conservatory.


San Jose , CA -Saturday 12-4 p.m. at the Magic Touch, 306 EI Paseo de Saratoga. Call Barry Bakalor or Jerry Miller.

San Luis Oblsto, CA-A group meets Sunday afternoons from 1 to 4 in Mitchell Park. Call Mary Seifert .

St. Louis , MO - St. Louis Juggling Club meets Friday evenings at Thomhill Library. Call Dick Vogt  or Tom Thale.


Sunnyvale , CA-Jugglers meet at Sunnyvale Community Center Saturday from noon to 4. Call Barry Bakalor.


Seattle , WA -For juggling. information, call the Juggling Hot Line.


It was incorrectly reported in the last Newsletter that Ed Jackman won the seven ball competition in Fargo with a time of 3.9 seconds. Jackman's actual time was 5.9 seconds.


John Bajowski sees the 80's as the Decade of Juggling, and wants to begin a juggling magazine to complement the Newsletter. Increasingly the concepts of juggling are being employed in circles of finance, politics, and perhaps most encouraging in the integrating cascade of human with other natural resources. Currently, Bajowski is developing a network, and seeks connection with all per­sons interested in contributing to collective growth. More specifically, he needs writers, regional reporters, cartoonists, photographers, interviews, sales representatives and so forth. Write him c/o Inte­grated Egos, Inc.; 1 Dover , NH.

A Fall Jug Fest featuring Locomotion Vaudeville will be held Nov. 14-16 at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester , NY . Write or call Greg Moss for information  Rochester , NY.

The Connecticut Jugglers contest announced in the August Newsletter was cancelled. The promoters thank all who applied and hope they will reapply next year. The event has been rescheduled for early June, 1981.


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