Page 6                                                                                       October 1980


Ubiquitous at the Fargo convention, longtime IJA member Roger Dollarhide (r) peered through his Nikon lenses for hours in taking over 1,200 pictures of the  action.

"Roger Dollarhide"

Roger Dollarhide, IJA official photographer, photographed the Fargo convention on 35 mm color slides and Trl-X film push processed to exposure Index 1000. The photos descrlbed below are only the best of 1,200 total. They are technlcally good or better from both a Juggling and photographic point of view.  PrIce per photo: Color 3x5-$2; 5x7 $3.50;8x1D-$7;11x14-$14;16x20-$35. Black end white: 3x5-$2; 5x7-$3; ~1o­$4; 11x14-$7; 16x»-$14. Add 20% for handllng. No orders sent without full payment. Send orders to: Roger Dollarhide, Hanford, CT


(To save space, the following abbreviations are used: B-balss; C-cIubs; R-rings; Uni-unicycle; D-devil stick; S-sticks. The number in parentheses in the description is the number of different shots, if more than one, of the same subject.)


Color prints from slides: Luke Walden 38 (3),3,4 SC8MIS (4); Luke and Paul Bicknell together juggling and passing balls; Bicknell alone 38 (5); Jeff Sutton 3C (8); Robert York 8B (3); John Beckner 7B (2); Mary WISSer in jester costume (2); Ned VanAlstyne and Marty Coffey 6C exchange (Ned on stilts); 8ig Throw-up for Life Magazine with hundreds of props in the air. Parade shots­York and wife on skates posing; York roaring around comer in squat position; Dave Finnegan with kids in audience (2); YOf1( 38; Olson balancing hat; VanAlstyne 3C (2), shaking hands with kids (2) on stilts; VanAlstyne passing 9C with 2 other jugs; roosic and singing group; overview of Nelson's insult workshop. All but last shot taken outside.


B&W #1-Beckner78 inside, outside (2 each); Vaksman, Kosco 7C pass real close (2); Nelson ball spin (2); Bames, Nelson pass top hat head to head; LeDoux demo 38 move 10 Walden, Andrews; Wiswell, Mayfield 5 jollyball pass; York 78.

B&W #2-York 8B inside, outside (2 each); DS workshop; Bicknell 38 outside; Bicknell, L Walden 3B each outside.

 B&W #3-BicknelI, Walden ball juggling outside contd. (3); Nelson hat manipulation wor1<shop (2); Crumley 3C on globe; Heine smiling with black eye; Brian Dube, Greg Moss talking; Unidentified girl looking at Gemini calendar photos.


B&W #4-Wide angle views of main juggling area with lots of jugs (3); Randy Pryor 5B; Usa Lewis 6B; Rich Chamberlin workshop; Randy Judkins, Doug Barnard on floor passing to Alan Jacobs and Garbo on his shoulders 12C.


B&W #5 - Two long lines of jugs facing, passing\

"Juggling - line passing"

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