Page 27                                           October 1981

Advertising discovers juggling


Saturday morning television watchers will recognize the mixed-up scene on the right as a Burger King commercial.


Jennifer Bard, the 10-year-old in the picture, learned juggling at Scalzo' s Achievement Center in New Windsor. NY. Gary Scalzo, director, acted as Jennifer's agent and told how the ad carne about.


For those who aren't likely to see it on the tube, it begins with Jennifer and her dog sitting outside a movie theatre looking bored.  Poof! Burger King, played by Jay Green, appears juggling four balls and suggests they "juggle on down to Burger King."


Frankenstein. played by Terry Man, emerges from a movie poster to join the procession. As they start in the Burger King door, a woman on her way out is startled into throwing her milkshake cups into the air. Lo and behold! She juggles them!


It should surprise few IJAers that the skillful senior citizen is actually young Fred "Garbo" Garver, former IJA championships director.


Be an IJA media monitor! Let's keep track of how Madison Avenue and Hollywood treat juggling on video and the silver screen. Make your reports and editorial comments to Jugglers World, in care of the editor.

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