Page 11 September 1982
minutes of IJA business Abridged
minutes of convention business sessions, compiled by Mary Wisser.
- IJA Officers Meeting Monday, July 12, 1982 U.C.S.B. - Santa Barbara,
Jones, president, called the meeting to order at 9:50 p.m. He
announced that 30 cents from the sale of each Bobby May cup will go
toward purchasing a headstone for the late juggler's gravesite.
Rich Chamberlin, secretary/treasurer, reported that IJA records are now kept on a calendar year basis in accordance with I.R.S. specifications to meet audits which will very probably be conducted due to our new tax-exempt status. The report covers the first half of 1982.
(Summary Totals shown below - see magazine for details)
IJA Funds as of June 29, 1982: $12,151.08 IJA Income 1/1/82 - 6/29/82: $41,789.77 IJA Expenses - Convention: $10,754.17 IJA Expenses - General Accounts: $4,581.39 IJA Expenses - Jugglers World: $7,701.81 TOTAL: $23,037.37
processed 624 new members since the last convention, raising membership
above 2,000. Jones responed there are
now seven affiliate groups.
motion passed that John Robinson, Michael Kass and Eric Robens
investigate the feasibility of purchasing a small computer for the IJA
to maintain membership lists.
responded he has spent about 20 forty-hour weeks on IJA business,
mailing out over 3,000 pieces of correspondence.
motion passed that there was a consensus of the meeting that the
position of secretary/ treasurer should be a half-time salaried
slate of officer candidates was drawn up and the meeting was adjourned
at 12:20 a.m.
- IJA Business Meeting Wednesday, July 14, 1982
meeting was called to order about 7:30 by Gene Jones, president. He
reported the IJA now has tax exempt status, and he is working on
trademarking the logo. He also repeated that an affiliation system is
set up, and that by-laws have been rewritten.
Moss, championships director, said new competition guidelines have been
set to help judges be more consistent in scoring. Technique and
presentation scores have been broken down into areas and assigned point
were then held. The offices of president and vice president were
contested. Presidential candidates were Gene Jones and Eric Robens. Speaking
first, Robens said in part, "I'm concerned about the direction and
the future of an organization that I care about very deeply. I feel
there are two main issues in this campaign.
are the expense and the inaccessibility of conventions and the
entrenchment of the administrative structure currently in place. We need
to work toward development of decentralized organization with regional
mini-conventions. People want cheaper and more accessible things. "
said, in part, .. As I came up in the ranks of the IJA, there were many
things that really needed to be done. As things evolved, I started to do
one thing and then another and eventually found myself doing quite a bit
and actually find it very rewarding.
of the things I've done have been to structurally strengthen the
organization to handle the growth that has been coming inevitably. I've
been striving to increase the quality and it has caused some increases
in the cost of operation. A few of the things I've accomplished are
tax-exempt status, affiliation program, articles for the magazine, logo
trademark, answering correspondence and facilitating communication with
other organizations. "
The vote was Jones 118, Roberts 105.
elected were Larry Olson as vice president, Rich Chamberlin (unopposed)
secretary/treasurer, Bill Giduz (unopposed) publications editor, Bill
Barr and Eric Roberts as directors, Rich Chamberlin and Dennis Soldati
(unopposed) as co-historians, Greg Moss (unopposed) as championships
director, Dave Finnigan (unopposed) as education director and Roger
Dollarhide (unopposed) as official photographer.
proposed 1983 convention sites, the University of Vermont and the State
University of New York/Purchase, were presented. John Robinson gave his
pros and cons analysis of both and the vote was taken. SUNY/Purchase 175
won over Burlington, VT, 154. The 1983 convention will be held July
19-24. Gene Jones and Rich Chamberlin are co-chairpersons.
motion from the floor was made and passed. It said, "We charge the
board of directors with implementing, by the end of the winter business
meeting, a technique that every IJA member be allowed to vote for
officers and the convention site through JUGGLERS WORLD magazine. "
attendance was more than 329. It was adjourned at 10: 15 p.m.
- IJA Officers Meeting Saturday, July 17, 1982 The
meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Gene Jones, president. A
list of areas needing attention at future conventions was compiled,
including better lost and found facilities, gymnasium security, a ride
board, help with registration, rescheduling of the U.S. Nationals in the
evening and the need for an IJA press package.
said a professional film maker wants to purchase rights to the 1983
convention. John Luker said he, too, is interested. A motion passed that
any proposals for filming should be considered on their merit by the
members of the Board, and that it is appropriate for the president, in
handling the negotiations, to charge a consideration fee to cover
correspondence with board members. Any proposal should be copied and
sent to all board members for their comments.
board elected John Luker and Ginny Rose as
honorary directors.
board voted to waive the affiliation fee for the Buffalo, NY, Juggling
Club in appreciation for their convention registration work.
Olson and Eric Roberts agreed to be affiliate
coordinators for the coming year.
board voted to pay the position of secretary treasurer a minimum wage,
half-time salary, and formulate an official policy on how to handle this
and all future salaried positions.
voted are: Gene Jones, $650 for president, $100 for convention
co-chairperson; Rich Chamberlin, $650 for secretary/treasurer; Ginny
Rose, $200 for assistant secretary/treasurer; John Robinson, $200 for
correspondence secretary; Bill Giduz, $400 for publications editor; John
Luker, $100 for convention co-chairperson.
was decided that nominations for officers and convention proposals must
be due at the winter business meeting. At that time, they will be
supplemented by nominations from the board.
nominations are in, position papers will be printed in the next issue of
JUGGLERS WORLD. Elections and speeches will be held at the annual
business meeting as usual, where absentee ballots will also be counted.
winter business meeting will be held in Boston,
MA, at a date to be announced.
meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. |
John Luker, convention co-chairperson. |