Page 25                                              December 1982



Dear Editor,

In response to your article, "Convention attracts more female jugglers"; we are glad that you acknowledged our growing presence at the convention but would like to express our views on the subject.


Needless to say, the increasing presence of women at the banquet didn't give us quite the same thrill that you experienced. However, we were glad to see more talented female jugglers in the gym.


We would also like to respond to the growing concern about the lack of women in the competitions. There is a certain amount of pressure on us to compete, not for the sake of competition, but just as a token gesture. There were several men at the convention who were equally qualified but also chose not to enter the competitions. Unfortunately, these men, by virtue of their sex, will never be identified unless their juggling skills improve.


But for us it's a different story. We are recognized for reasons unrelated to our juggling skill. It is nice to be praised for our achievements and we are grateful for that, but we feel that the praise is nearly always qualified by statements like, "Hey, that's great... for a girl. "


We would prefer to be judged solely on the basis of our juggling skills. Please expect the same from us as you would expect from anyone else and rest assured that we will come through.

Holly Greeley, Sue Kirby Amherst, MA

Dear Editor,

I think my experience at starting the Burlington, VT, juggling group may help others trying to start clubs in their towns.


First, I chose a place and time. Then I crayoned some signs and put them up in popular spots like the food coop, ice cream parlor, bakery, coffeehouse, supermarket and at the university. I also wrote up an announcement and mailed it off to local newspapers and radio stations.


On everything I left my name and number as a contact. Until it got going, I tried to make sure I was on time every week. I brought extra props and taught new jugglers. Now others in the group share these responsibilities.


It was easy and successful for me. We had eighteen people juggling every week in April this year!

Henry Lappen, Burlington, VT

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