Page 17                                           March 1983

Antic Arts school to follow IJA convention 


For the past three summers, the State University of New Y ork / Purchase campus has hosted a five week major international festival of dance, theatre, music and special events. "Magical" is the key word in describing PepsiCo SUMMERFARE, a collection of the finest international talent from early July through early August.  This summer's IJA convention will be held in the midst of, and as a part of, the 1983 SUMMERFARE activities.


Another unique event will be the second Antic Arts Academy, a comprehensive training program of circus skills, clowning and mime. Instructors for the July 27 to August 7 event will be IJA member Fred "Garbo" Garver, Bob Berky and Michael Moschen.


The trio is uniquely qualified to instruct the 30 Antic Arts participants. Garbo, who describes himself as a "new vaudevillian, not a clown," recently appeared in the Broadway smash hit musical Barnum. He has performed in several IJA public events and served as a judge for competitions. His specialties at the Antic Arts Academy will be acrobatics and circus techniques.


Berky, who taught last summer's Antic Arts session with Garbo, has been described by the London Daily Telegraph as "one of the greatest mimes in the world today. "

Moschen, a performer with the Big Apple Circus, has been distinguished by receiving two National Endowment for the Arts Choreographer's Fellowships. He explained that "The aim of the Antic Arts Academy is study, not to produce a performance. To us, the learning process is most important."


The trio will teach classes in dance, movement, acrobatics, circus techniques, improvisation/character study and juggling from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day. Garbo jokingly refers to the Antic Arts Academy as the "Outward Bound Survival Program for Vaudevillians!"


For more information about the Antic Arts Academy or the PepsiCo SUMMERFARE '83 activities, call or write: PepsiCo SUMMERFARE'83 SUNY - Purchase.

Garbo, Bob Berky, Michael Moschen

(l-r) Garbo, Bob Berky, Michael Moschen

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