Page 8                                           March 1983

Officers Conduct Winter Business


IJA officers met on the campus of WelIesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, for the annual Winter Business Meeting on Saturday, January 29. Present were:


Rich Chamberlin - Secretary/treasurer

Roger Dollarhide - Official photographer

Bill Giduz - Publications editor

Gene Jones - President

Larry Olson - Vice president

Eric Roberts - Director

John Robinson - Correspondence secretary

Ginny Rose - Assistant secretary/treasurer

Gene Jones opened the meeting at 12:30.

Chamberlin presented the following treasurer's report for 1982:

(summarized, see magazine for details)

INCOME TOTAL- $23,803.25

     EXPENSES - $12,013.63

    JUGGLER'S WORLD - $16,878.20

EXPENSES TOTAL - 28,891.83


Chamberlin explained that this report does not include convention accounting, which is incomplete at this time.


He noted that membership dues barely covered the cost of printing and mailing JUGGLERS WORLD, and indicated that other sources of income would be necessary for the IJA to expand its operations.


Robinson reported on his research into a computer on which the IJA could maintain records and generate mailing labels. He did not make a specific recommendation, and no action was taken on the matter pending a further report by Robinson at the Annual Convention.


A motion prohibiting the sale of IJA mail­ing labels to commercial concerns was passed unanimously. Labels will only be distributed to affiliates for their use in publicizing programs and events.


On the matter of Annual Conventions, the board agreed that it must accept responsibility for convention finances. It was moved and passed that the secretary/treasurer will work in conjunction with the elected convention chairman to oversee expenditures. In line with this, it was agreed that two people should be present to witness all deposits of convention funds at the bank to assure a witness if disagreements surface.


A motion passed that all officers of the IJA should submit a 1983 expense budget by April 1, and that the secretary/treasurer be allowed to authorize expenditures of less than $100 above budget projections. Expenditures of more than $100 will require full Board approval.


In response to a general membership request at the last convention, IJA officers passed a new voting procedure for election of officers. Under the new plan, to take effect in 1984, all officers must be 18 years old and IJA members. Presidential candidates must previously have held an IJA office.


An absentee ballot and information on announced candidates will be mailed to all members in May of each year. To appear on the absentee ballot, candidates must declare by April 1 and supply the publications editor with a photo and short statement of candidacy.   Absentee ballots must be sealed, signed on the back, and received by the IJA secretary/treasurer no later than July 1.


All candidates, including persons who did not announce by the April 1 publication deadline, will be allowed to speak at the Annual Convention business meeting. A second balloting for members present at the convention will follow the meeting. Those who submitted absentee ballots may have them destroyed at the convention in favor of a new ballot. All ballots will be opened and results announced at the convention.


To facilitate convention planning, board members agreed that convention sites should be chosen two years in advance. To implement this, a motion was made and passed that site proposals for two years in advance will be aired at each Annual Convention. Written responses to all suggestions will be encouraged, with the board to make the final approval of convention sites at the following Winter Business Meeting.


The Board voted to accept Las Vegas, Nevada, as the site for the 1984 Annual Convention. This was precipitated by a proposal from the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce offering the IJA free use of its new convention center and theatre, thereby defraying expenses that amounted to more than $7,000 at the 1982 convention.


It was pointed out that hotel accommodations and food are relatively cheap ($30 for a double room and lots of $1.99 buffets), and that we might interest professional jugglers appearing in Las Vegas

to attend the convention by holding it in their city.


A board decision was necessary at this meeting because the Chamber of Commerce offer would not be held open until the Annual Convention in July.  This also allows implementation of the two-year-ahead convention site proposal plan to begin at the 1983 Annual Convention.


Increasing the frequency of publication of JUGGLERS WORLD was discussed. However, because of Giduz's stated inability to handle the increased work along with his regular job, the matter was dropped.


A motion passed to grant Jones a $280 honorarium per month between now and the Annual Convention, at which time the honorarium will be reviewed and a proposal concerning creation of an Executive Director's position will be considered.


A motion to spend up to $500 for videotaping the Purchase convention workshops, Public Show and championships was passed. Tapes of workshops will be made available to affiliates. Refusals of competitors to be filmed will be honored, and all competitors and Public Show performers may obtain a copy of their own performances.


Gene Jones adjourned the meeting at 7:35.

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