Page 30 March 1984
Joggler's Jottings by Bill Giduz, editor Davidson, North Carolina
Pulling out my "Copy" folder from the drawer to begin planning for this issue made me groan. Like my attempts to juggle four clubs, it was totally out of control.
It contained not only the feature and news articles printed herein, but possibly an inch-thick group of stories, articles and notes that defy my journalistic ability to categorize information.
I never throw out those odd bits of journalistic flotsam and jetsam. Instead, I keep accumulating them in the back of the "Copy" folder and keep wondering what to do with them.
Yesterday, in a very small lightning bolt of insight, I found the answer! They could be mentioned in proper perspective in this column! That would accomplish both the effects of thinning out the "Copy" folder and acknowledging my appreciation for all news that people send in. So here goes:
Brett Nesbit sent in a description of a side-by-side passing routine more than two years ago. I'm sure it works beautifully for Brett and his partners, but, like most tricks, it's too complicated and confusing to print.
About three years ago, Bill Brown, an 86-year old Honorary Life Member of the IJA, sent in some of the jokes he used in his rope and baton act. How about , "No doubt you'll find my act different than most you see. I do my finishing trick first. That way, I'm always sure of finishing!"
Brown tied a bunch of other gags to his rope spinning tricks, including the one-liner, "A swinging rope is all right as long as you keep your neck out of it!" He says he once worked at a Veteran's Hospital and told the patients he hoped they'd get better soon. They replied, "We hope you do, too!" Thanks, Bill.
Because of our infrequent publication, some news arrives too late to do any good. Did you know that more than 100 people participated in Purdue University's first Juggle-In last April? Joel Fink, acting teacher there, guaranteed it wouldn't be the last!
Also on the educational scene, Michael Hemmes submitted a nice article back in May 1982 about Indianapolis juggler Bret Robinson, who taught a Free University juggling course. The highlight of that article was a line stating, "He (Robinson) has also been known to liven up parties by throwing around a shoe, a set of keys, and a dime."
Leslie Borbele, a regular correspondent from Sisterville, West Virginia, mailed in a dense juggling bibliography that would fill up four or five pages of the magazine. I'm sure he'd be gld to send you a copy if you wrote and asked.
Peter Davison of Airjazz, former IJA team champions, wrote not long ago to say the group thinks it's time to expand from their Colorado base. Where do you print information like that , except in a catch-all column like this?
There's an old note to follow up on Homer Stack, a favorite with san Franscisco Bay-area jugglers. Homer apparently has many old films and has helped many jugglers put acts together. He was 87 or 90 when I wrote the note; and is still alive to be recognized now.
I also pulled out a number of notes on performers I'd like to write articles about, but haven't for one reason or another done so. Included in that group is James Marcel, who has appeared with Liberace in Las Vegas juggling a flaming torch, bowling ball and apple (also chain saws). Also regrettably included are almost all of the artistes listed in the "Entertainers" column herein.
Ray Jason, the original San Francisco street juggler was still down by Pier 39 two summers ago when I passed through there on the way to the Santa Barbara convention. He was a bit miffed that the IJA used a facsimile of a juggler on his business card as part of the 1982 Roster cover without his permission. This seems to be the first occasion I've had to publicly apologize. A story about Ray's adventures in the streets is certainly warranted.
I've seen several jugglers perform and never written them up, despite what I may have told them at the time that I planned to do. Included in that category are Rejean Robertson, a very fst club juggler who was with Circus Vargas, Robert Stuart Templeton, who performed with the Clyde Beaty / Cole Brothers Circus, and David Lee of Ice Capades.
Hopefully, one day soon Juggler's World can do all it should as far as coveraging the world of juggling. For the moment, though, all I can confidently say is that we're trying! Thanks to those mentioned above and a "hang in there" to others still in the "Copy" folder. I can't guarantee you anything except that you haven't been forgotten! |