Page 21                                           June 1984



Ann Arbor, Michigan

The Jugglers of Ann Arbor, an IJA affiliate, will host their fourth annual juggling festival on August 25. Further details will be forthcoming in a mailing. Contact Michael Ferguson, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Bale St-Paul, Quebec

As a result of its three previous successful occurrences, La Fete Foraine of Bale St-Paul in Quebec, Canada, has become a great meeting of performers.


This year, La Fete Foraine will occur July 19-29. Workshops in mime, juggling (instructed by IJA member Mike Vondruska), mask, unicycling, trampoline, clowning, acrobatics, wire walking, stilt walking and dance will be held July 23-27. The package price for workshops, camping, and night shows is $125. Contact Ben La Barouette or Helene Dufresne, Bale St-Paul (Quebec), Canada.


Bremen, Indiana

A camping/juggling festival is being planned for August 10-12 at the Pla-Mor campground near Bremen, Indiana, in conjunction with an arts festival there. The campground features a lake, mini­golf, and hot showers. Organizer Al Eisenhower encourages those interested to register by July 10 to be assured of camping space. Contact him at Pymouth, Indiana.


Frankfurt, Germany

The 7th European Jugglers' Convention will be held Thursday to Sunday, September 13-16, in Frankfurt, Germany.


The host Autonome Jongliergruppe of Wiesbaden joins with the Department of Science and Art of the City of Frankfurt in inviting all to attend. Site of the convention will be the Volksbildungsheim in the center of downtown Frankfurt. Street artists will be allowed to perform, with

the possibility of a week-long tour of other German cities following the convention. Workshops and a Public Show are also planned.


The price for the convention will be DM 30 for the full four days, DM 25 for three days, and DM 10 for single days. Inexpensive communal accommodations are being sought. Contact Paul Keast, Wiesbaden, W. Germany.


Lake Forest, Illinois

The 1984 Jugglers Spring Fling will be held May 18-20 at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois (a northern suburb of Chicago).

Contact Mike Vondruska; Bensenville, Illinois.


Seattle, Washington

The Cascade Jugglers of Seattle, Washington, will hold a day-long festival June 23 outdoors at the Seattle Center. If the weather is bad, the 10 a.m.-5 p.m. event will be held in the Center House. Workshops and crazy competitions will be the order of the day. Call the Jugglers' Hotline.



The 1984 International Mime and Clown Festival will be held at Davis and Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia, June 23-30. Performers and performing groups from around the world join teachers, stage designers, costumers, choreographers, and other interested parties.

Contact Movement Theatre International, Elkins, West Virginia.



The National Unicycle Meet will be Ju­ly 20-22 on the campus of Findlay College in Findlay, Ohio. Contact 1984 National Unicycle Meet,  Findlay, Ohio.


The first International Unicycle Convention will be July 27-29 at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York.  Contact International Unicycle Convention, Huntington, New York.

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