Page 14                                                           Spring  1985


IJA officers consider membership and conventions

Meeting for winter business in Atlanta Feb. 2, the IJA board of directors considered a membership drive and future convention sites.


A membership brochure is being prepared and will be made available to individuals and prop makers to distribute. Businesses that stamp their logos in the referral spot on the application will receive a $1 referral fee for each new member signed up through their cooperation. A contest for referrals by individual members will also be conducted.


There was discussion of setting up an IJA Hall of Fame to recognize great jugglers of the ages. A committee to decide qualifications and procedures for induction is being established.


After hearing six proposals, the board decided to recommend Oakland as the 1986 convention site and Akron in 1987. Barry Bakalor from Oakland and Kevin Delagrange and others from Akron made these presentations and agreed to co-chair the conventions with a board member. Members have until the end of March to dispute the board's decision in writing. Address letters to IJA, Kenmore, NY


Editorial staff sets deadlines  

Here's a schedule of deadlines and mailing dates for 1985 Juggler's World issues: Summer - deadline April 29, mail June 10; Convention program - deadline June 3; Fall - deadline August 19, mail Sept. 30; Winter - deadline Oct. 14, mail Nov. 25. *


If you can't juggle on the radio, juggle for the radio!

Three Colorado Springs, Colorado, jugglers kept 'em up for 24 hours in a marathon effort to support their favorite public radio station.


Lenny Mazel, 1977 IJA Juniors Champion, Christa Bell Rypins, 1982 Juniors champ, and John Beckner each took 10-40 minute shifts on behalf of KRCC. They juggled in the front window of the station building during the station's $30,000 fund­raiser. *


Of note for single-wheelers

The International Unicyc1ing Federation is a new organization dedicated to promoting the sport of unicycling and gaining for it Olympic status. The IUF will host its second annual World Unicycling Convention at Syracuse University, August 3-4. For more information, write IUF at Westbury, New York.


Juggling and sales: Convince 'em with action!

A rather unique lecture on specialty advertising was recently conducted on the Emory University campus in Atlanta by Terry Dodd, former regional sales manager for the Vernon Company of Newton, Iowa.


Dodd, immediate past president of the Specialty Advertising Association of Atlanta, concluded his talks to an undergraduate advertising class and graduate promotion management class with a bit of club juggling. The juggling illustrated the importance of, and opportunity for, creativity in the hands-on medium of specialty advertising, the nation's fifth largest ad medium.


Specialty ads are promotions imprinted on articles of merchandise and distributed without obligation to the recipient. The Vernon Company is the largest specialty advertising manufacturer and distributor in the country, with annual sales of more than $50 million.


For odd props & work.

Jenack Circus Corp. offers free referral service for people trying to find unusual props or circus equipment. enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your request and write to Westbury, New York.


Ron Severini, former director of Ringling Brothers Clown College, offers to help jugglers find work in the Orlando, Florida area through Entertainment Unlimited, his new agency.  

Terry Dodd

Terry Dodd

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