Page 4                                                                    Fall 1985

(LETTERS continued)      


Folding prop inquiry

I would like to know if any fellow jugglers are interested in the idea of props that can be taken apart to be more easily stored or carried around. I am working on several ideas (among them, a devil stick that folds in half or comes apart to fit into a briefcase) and would like to swap notes with anyone with similar interests.

Keith Saturn - Rochester, NY


Best non-interview

I nominate this exchange for non­interview of the year, between Anthony Gatto and Joan Rivers on the Tonight Show on July 8:

   Rivers: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

   Gatto: "A juggler." (with "of course" in his tone)

   Rivers: "Well, you've got a good start! "

In the same interview, Anthony broke all records for modesty in describing his success: "My brother juggles - but he's in the Navy, and I'm here." Never a dull moment out there! Wes Kobylak - Rochester , NY


Nested cups

Custom-designed and manufactured by Jenack Circus Corporation, these hand­lathed, spun aluminum cups are a significant departure from traditional "cocktail shaker" style cups. This revolutionary design provides much greater ease in learning and increased accuracy in the execution of advanced cup manipulations. Cup manipulation is one of the most exotic and unusual juggling skills on the scene today. $9 each or 3 for $25. Jenack Circus Corporation, Westbury, NY.



Chasley Co. has solved the problem of how to juggle dinosaurs without getting hurt by those pesky spikes! The solution is Jugglosaurus (TM), dinosaurs for juggling. Snazzy, jazzy and lighter than air, their dinosaurs are a joy to juggle. Fashioned in bright turquoise bodies and yellow felt spines, JUGGLOSAURUS are $12 per set of three, postage included. Write Chasley, Seattle, Washington.


Non-bean bags

Rocky Mountain Juggling Supplies is spilling the beans on a new idea! It's an alternative to seedy beanbags called the Unbeanbag! Bright canvas filled with plastic pellets, they can be hand washed with mild soap and a clear conscience. They are available in 3 oz. for $3.50 and 4 oz. size for $3.75 in a variety of colors. For a free catalog of all RMJC merchandise, write Rocky Mountain Juggling Supplies,  Denver, CO.

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