Page 7                                             Winter 1986

(Here's a rundown of the Grand Spectacle that Brigitte alluded to - Ed.)


The stage was set in the gymnasium in front of a parachute backdrop with lighting racks on scaffolding and the audience seated in portable bleachers. A six piece band opened the show as all performers filed onto stage for a mass introduction. Then these individual acts appeared:

· Jon Leffingwell (USA) - Six rings and three cigar boxes.

· Craig Barnes (USA) - Devil stick and three balls.

· Kevin Brooking (Europe) - Flopping around on stage imitating a seal, he manipulated a beach ball on a mouthstick and played catch with it and members of the audience.

· Philemon Hors Lesmurs - Three balls in whiteface.

· High Fidelity (W. Berlin) - Takeaways, runarounds and slapstick comedy.

· De Kapriolen (Wiesbaden, Ger.) - Balance and spinning.

· Moshe (Canada) - Hat comedy and disappearing foam ball tricks with an audience volunteer.

· Frankfurter Jugglers (W. Ger.) - Acrobatic formations with up to 8 people, club passing between people standing on others' shoulders.

· Allyn & Otte (W. Ger.) - Spinning fire hula hoop, torches, fire blowing and eating, broken glass walking.

· Raspynis (USA) - Seven club passing, six machetes around volunteer while spinning ball on mouthstick and hoop on one leg.

· Gustav Parking (France) - Comedy and fire blowing, using chocolate powder instead of kerosene!

. Allan Jacobs (USA) - Duo ball routine between himself and projected mm of his shadow. Also club swinging.

. Todd Strong (USA) - Diablo manipulation.

. Wolfgang Krebs (W. Germany) - Comedy perfonnance on oboe while reading music on stand balanced on his head.

. Peter Shub (USA) - Mime with intractable in­visible dog on le:ash, comedy with diverse items such as metal tape measure and a tripod.

. Wusel and Lehman (Berlin) - Dueling trom­bone and saxaphone and tap dance.

. Derek Scott - Three ball comedy, boxes, manic apple eating with a peach as an encore.

. Neil Robinson - Magic with six rings and a dan­cing cane.

. Pavlov's Dog (USA) - Comedy buildup to club passing on unicycles.

. Peter Davison (USA) - Three and five ball routine.

. Gregor Popovitch (USSR) - Devil stick, up to six balls, manipulations on free standing ladder, eight ring pulldown for an encore.

Fun guys to know in Brussels. (l-r) Festival organizer Eddie Krzeptowski of Brussels, and Moshe from Canada, emceed the downtown Brussels festivities.

Fun guys to know in Brussels. (l-r) Festival organizer Eddie Krzeptowski of Brussels, and Moshe from Canada, emceed the downtown Brussels festivities.

Kiss my carp! Fish swims up street, finds date and likes him!

Kiss my carp! Fish swims up street, finds date and likes him!

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