Page 16                                               Summer 1986

With this same cue/pot setup, he would balance a ball on top of the pot and do a three ball shower. He then shook the balanced ball off the pot to engage a four ball shower. "I hit myself on the head many, many times learning that one!" he laughed.


Another favorite was balancing a large picture frame on his head. With a quick movement he would slide it around to balance on another edge. He also performed this with a huge dressing partition! He slapped his forehead and said the skin there is still very tough.


This great juggler, assisted by his wife, worked all over the world in circuses and vaudeville halls. "Where do jugglers work now?" he asked. "There used to be hundreds of show halls in England alone where acts could work. Now there are very few. "


Adonos is such a calm and peaceful man that we felt like old friends after just a few hours. With our train leaving soon, we got up the nerve to ask him to go out in the yard and juggle with us. He said he hadn't juggled in more than five years, but he didn't hesitate as we put some balls in his hand. He did three in one hand and swore he "used to be able to sleep doing this."

Adonos the great gentleman juggler with wife, Helmi, in their prime (From "4,000 Years of Juggling ")

Adonos the great gentleman juggler with wife, Helmi, in their prime (From "4,000 Years of Juggling ")

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