acts and highlights were:
Cabangahan Jugglers - Dressed attractively in native
Philippine costumes, they passed rings in a line and clubs in
a four person back-to-back box.
Catch-It-Quick Jugglers - Comedy and patter amidst three
people passing up to 11 rings and 10 clubs in a line.
Manic Expressions - Unique passing patterns and takeaways with
five people, including passing from a unicycle and shoulder
Natural Acts - Demonstration of the many variations possible
with passing up to eight clubs.
Passing Zone - Club passing and acrobatic moves including
leap-frog and shoulder stand by two person team. Seven clubs
back to back.
Renegade Jugglers - Theatrical juggling presentation of
"A Present-Day Global Nuclear Nightmare" about a
nuclear plant meltdown.