Page 11                                             Summer 1987


Early Stirring Toward Organized Juggling

The idea of a juggler's organization undoubtedly started early, in the heyday of vaudeville when actors were forming equity groups. The great magician's society was formed in 1902. Because of the identity of magicians and jugglers, this served the purpose some time. But for non-magician jugglers, one further, independent step was needed.


The first documented exchange of ideas on a Jugglers association was in August, 1941. A group known as "The Old Troopers" met for their second annual dinner in Friendship, N.Y., and discussed formation of a juggler's association. At this meeting were, among others, Harry Lind, William "Doc" Crosby and Marty Lynch.


Lind became a founder of the IJA six years later and the other two became active members. Also before the war, Art Jennings and Bobby May discussed the idea of forming an organization. When Roger Montandon began his "Bulletin" in 1944, he immediately began calling for an organization among his subscribers.


It was Montandon's "Bulletin" that began pulling together those jugglers interested in sharing their interest. Jennings calls Montandon's mailing list invaluable in forming the IJA. In June 1946, Jennnings joined the subscription list along with Bernie Joyce, another founder, and Bill Talent and Ed Tierney, two accomplished professionals.


Doug Couden, one of the barn-storming school assembly circuit jugglers was one the very few professionals who supported the idea. Montandon cites him as '''probably having done more to contact and talk juggling to juggling enthusiasts than any other man in this country."  As organizational efforts gained momentum, jugglers continued to meet at gatherings of magicians, and holding spontaneous juggling sessions at conventions of the SocIety of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.


It was difficult to organize jugglers who spent a majority of their time on the road. Art Jennings recalls that "most of my juggling friends were active professionals and we had the opportunity to visit only when working in the same city."  But the difficulty of organizing jugglers who were on the road more often than not was great.


In May of that year, Montandon traveled East, ostensibly on company business, and attended the S.A.M. convention in Washington D.C., at the Waldman-Park Hotel. Bob Blau, ever the enthusiastic one, brought several jugglers together for an "informal jam session," that included Montandon, Blau, his brother and their wives, Lou Meyer, Charles Carrer and Dell O'Dell, Joe Fleckenstein, Homer Stack, and Leo Rullman, nearly all of whom later became prominent members of the IJA.


The following month, most of these jugglers met at the I.B.M. convention at the Jefferson Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. Additionally, there was Charlton Chute, Dick McKinney, and Art Jennings, who, as a headliner act at the convention along with Charles Carrer, promoted his idea of an independent association of jugglers.


There was resistance to this idea, of course. Even some of Jennings's good friends were against the idea of a jugglers association; Bobby May didn't join for several years. Later some of these holdĀ­outs came to IJA picnics and conventions for the camaraderie, but continued to resist the membership.


Jennings said, "I talked organization for the exchange of ideas to anyone who would stand still, and I'm sure I strained some relationships." Even Harry Lind, who had long been in favor of an organization and could see a greater market for his clubs and other props, didn't think an association would work.


It was Jennings who finally made the decisive move. He was on the convention committee of Pittsburgh Ring 13, which was to host the 1947 I.B.M. Convention. He recalled, "The time had come. We put a separate Juggler's Session on the agenda for Tuesday (June 17, 1947) at 10: 30 in the ballroom and featured it in the preĀ­convention promotion."

Bill and Jim Talent

Comedy juggling team of Bill and Jim Talent. Photo courtesy of Bobby Jule.

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