Page 69                                             Summer 1987

Why It Was Called a Newsletter

News and Letters from the First 10 years of the IJA


More than anything, the "Juggler's Bulletin" and "Newsletter" were monthly get-togethers of "regular folks" concerned about each other and their art. At the heart of the IJA was the informal, back-fence sharing of news, humor and tragedy:

A letter from Bobby May from Oklahoma City gave us the dope that he would be there for a few days with the Skating Vanities. We hopped an early train and caught the show and better yet, had a swell chat (till 3 or 4 in the morning). You'll have to see the juggling to really appreciate it and when he does come your way, don't fail to look up Bobby and Emily May.  Emily might even rig up a swell sandwich and beer as she so kindly did for us. Bobby has a swell collection of pictures and bills back home, which he promises to share with Bulletin readers at some future date.

(JB 3/45)

A swell letter from Eddie Sheelar who has combined gun spinning with a McCaw bird to make a neat opening.

(JB 3/45)

Our literary hawk, Spud Roberts reports pics of June Haver juggling hoops in "Movie Life," Sept.. page 30. Ronald Reagan juggling 3 plates, Nov. issue of same mag, p. 31.

(JB 11/47)

Selma Braatz writes from Nurnberg, Germany, thanking us for the group photo taken at the Convention. She reports that things are getting a little better for them

there and that they hope to see the end of rationing soon. They are working clubs for the U.S. troops and in September are going to playa beautiful new theater in Stuttgart, which just opened August 1st. She would love to hear from any of you who know her. Write c/o Metropol Theater, Stuttgart, Germany, U.S. Zone.

(Newsletter 9/49)

Those of you who have known or heard of Francis Burnn's sister, Lotti, (who is an excellent juggler herself) who has in the past been assistant in her brother's act, will be glad to know that she is expecting a new little juggler just any day now. Lotti is at present in California.

(Newsletter 11/51)


It is with deep regret, we announce the death of one of our members - Edward Van Wyck, Lincoln, Neb.

(Newsletter 1/52)

Learned from Johnny Lux that Bobby May's little son, Bobby Jr., is hospitalized - a victim of polio. I'm sure that Bobby will have the best wishes of every member for his son's early recovery.

(Newsletter 10/52)

Carl Thorson informs us that he crushed a finger in the door of his agents car and will have to take a few weeks off.

(Newsletter 8/54)

Lou Meyer and Vin Carey both report sprained ankles. Somebody better explain "kick-ups" to these guys.

(Newsletter 8/54)


Beginning Jan. 1st, 1957 the dues will be $2.00 per year, all payments due on this date.

(Newsletter 9/56)


Wanted for personal collection. All kinds of handcuffs, leg irons, thumb-cuffs, thumb screws, manacles, shackles, restraining devices, etc. Will buy any such articles or will appreciate information where same can be obtained.

(Newsletter 10/56)


Lane Blumenthal says Max Koch (Germany) went over the top in sending us so much good news from Europe.

(Newsletter 1/57)


Bill Cash Jr. did a television show in Cleveland April 7. Bob and Lois Jackson invited him to their home and a jug/est followed. Bill. Bob, Lois and Johnny Lux did 12 clubs (feed trick) in a 14xl6 living room. While getting in line at Radio City Music Hall in N. Y., Cash Jr. found himself standing behind a jug from Baltimore. It was Nick Gatto, whose wife is soloist with the orchestra there. It's a small world. Ed. Note: (they don't make worlds like they used to.)

(Newsletter 6/57)


Joe Marsh cartoon

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