Page 82                                                Summer 1987


Here on the last page, the end of the show, our hat is in your hands!


We hope these 80 pages of birthday celebration have left you with some smiles, some new ideas and a better perspective on your personal involvement in juggling. On the occasion of the IJA's 40th anniversary, we should celebrate juggling's success by applying the ideals of the founders to new dreams and greater goals. Ideas are generated wherever jugglers meet and share their experiences. We hope you agree that this special anniversary issue of "Juggler's World" is one step in the right direction.


We also urge those who believe in the IJA's work for the common good to support the organization with their energy and their resources. We hope this special issue of "Juggler's World" will prompt you to make a tax-deductible contribution to help defray its extraordinary expense. Better yet, take this opportunity to make a lifetime commitment and sign on for $250 as an IJA Life Member. As we hope we're demonstrating with every "Juggler's World" and annual convention, the IJA is dedicated to making you proud you're a juggler! If you'd care to put a "thank you" in our hat, please send it to:

The IJA - Kenmore, NY - 14217


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