Page 32                                                                   Fall 1987



Good fortune helps Cascade Jugglers grow

The Cascade Jugglers of Seattle, Wash., have a couple of advantages over most other loosely-knit, anarchistic groups like themselves. They've got the power of Jugglebug, the world's largest manufacturer of juggling equipment, in their back yard. They've also got a cozy 10-year relationships with the Seattle Center, a beautiful downtown mall in which they practice and hold events.


Those two outside benefits, plus the commitment of two dozen members on National Juggling Day, helped the group win the IJA's "I learned to juggle" contest over about ten other groups. Participating club members receive a free year's membership, convention discounts and souvenirs.


More than 125 people showed up in the Seattle Center for that class, which Finnigan led, and hundreds more passed by during the day to learn to juggle or simply watch. With a goal of signing up 200 new jugglers before they left, a core group of four people stayed at the center until 11 p.m.!


National Juggling Day was just the latest success for the Cascade Jugglers. Finnigan catalyzed the group when he began Jugglebug in nearby Edmonds about 10 years ago. He arranged for the Seattle Center location and was the club's prime mover for many years, stressing the teaching of juggling.


The club has no dues nor elected officers, and does not sponsor a regular festival. But current spiritual leaders Diana Francis and Halina Kiljanczyk say there are a couple of secrets to maintaining cohesion in the group.


She says most group members dine together after their 3-6 p.m. Saturday meetings. Meeting in a public area also provides excitement, public interaction and spontaneity that might be lost if the meeting were in an isolated location.


She says the location is a mixed blessing. "When I talk with other jugglers who are dealing with rising costs of insurance, I feel lucky," she said, adding that the

Seattle jugglers have not had to face this matter at the Center.


The gathering attracts 25-30 in the summer and a few less in the winter. While some people may question the wisdom of a Saturday afternoon meeting, Kiljanczyk pointed out that almost everyone has that time free and it allows out of towners to attend.


Cascade Jugglers work out by themselves with people like Darryl Toomey and Matt Cantrell teaching basics or tricks.


Toward the end of the day club passing begins, and meetings end with a giant feed. There are occasional announcements to relay information on upcoming individual performances by members. They include Toomey, Matt Cantrell and Andy Demetre (the strongest technical jugglers in the club), John Delahunt and Kiljanczyk. Two group members perform regularly in their work with the Juggling Institute - Allan Tilove and Linda Sievert.


The most successful Seattle area jugglers are probably the Young Gentlemen Jugglers, Robert Stuverude and John Webster, who spent this summer performing at San Francisco's Pier 39.


Seeing the banners and logos of other affiliates and groups inspired the Cascade Jugglers to plan for their own insignia and t-shirts, Kiljanczyk said. "They gave was a real feel for the different regional members and we'd like to be a part of it."


They're also planning to develop a Cascade Jugglers championships award to present at conventions beginning next year. The Cascade Jugglers also have the distinction of more IJ A Life Members than any other affiliate, as the four-member Toomey family are all Life Members along with Finnigan, Alan Tilove and Dick Curtis.


Pass a pint to the needy

Wearing a ten-gallon hat and an "I've given 15 gallons" pin, Myron Wilcox walked the convention floor urging members to give blood and let him know about it. "Bob Nickerson called me long distance telling me he gave that day. He sure sounded good about it," said Wilcox.


Send him a card and let him know how much you've given! Wilcox and the IJA encourage you to pass along a gift of life.

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