Page 39                                                                   Fall 1987

The Practical Top Hat

Designed entirely for jugglers. Collapsable, washable, juggleable and very durable! Don't risk your felt hat on the street, the practical hat holds up drop after drop! Heavy duty canvas in both Top Hat and Stovepipe styles. Rocky Mountain Juggling Supplies, Denver , CO.


Custom SpaceCase

Make-it-yourself SpaceCase (TM)  prop boxes for jugglers! Inexpensive kit comes with step by step bonding instructions. Sizes from 90 cubic inches to 10 cubic feet! Tough 1/8" ABS plastic, nothing to rust or corrode. No tools or cutting required. Add foam liners for extra protection!  For complete information write Matrix, San Diego , CA.


Music to juggle by

The Juggling Arts presents a casette tape of tunes to accompany you. Circus calliope, parade and banjo music. Back to the days of Vaudeville! Inquire of the Juggling Arts, San Jose , CA .




Juggling for All.  By Colin Francome & Charlie Holland, illustrations by Ali Bongo. Published by David & Charles, London , 1987. ISBN 0-7153-8897-5.


This book presents a refreshing look at juggling's basic elements from an English perspective. Both authors are experienced performers, and pass on a wealth of ideas in  their book. Though they don't cover any prop in great detail, they reveal a wide variety of manipulative arts and explain their entertainment value.


The soft cover, 96 page book is liberally sprinkled with Ali Bongo's light-hearted cartoons. Well-written, short text sections keep the reader moving.


American readers will enjoy the English slant on three-ball "animal tricks" and a neat section on party tricks that includes "three tricks you can do with a glass of beer."


Several routines are explained in full, giving beginners a ready-made script to take to the streets. Other unique ideas, such a a flaming baguette instead of a torch, will appeal to even the most veteran performers.

Top hat

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