Page 28                                             Winter 1987-88



Water, Water, Everywhere Around Catalina Festival by Steve Tuttle & Jahnathon Whitfield


The Orange Jugglers hosted a week­end of juggling Sept. 26-27, 1987, on the beautiful island of Catalina off the California coast near Los Angeles . There were 72 jugglers from in state and beyond who spent the weekend camping and funning in the sun. A public show was held for the entertainment of a large crowd of vacationers and island residents. Plans are already under way for the Second Catalina Island Juggling Festival in this unique setting later this year!


Filly Fest by Glenn Ceponis & Jackie Erickson


The 4thAnnual Philadelphia Juggler's Jubilee was for "We the Jugglers."


It was the Constitution's "We the People" week in Philadelphia that week.  The site was historic boathouse row on Sept. 19-21. All the camaraderie, socializing, learning and juggling was free! There was a wide range of ability in the record throng. More than 100 beginners were enthusiastically led by Dave Finnegan in a seemmingly never-ending series of workshops. He was assisted by the mighty Mumfree, Wayne Campbell. More advanced workshops were varied and well­received.


The attention of spectators and the media was appreciated by out-of-town jugglers who traveled as far as 500 miles to attend.


The event was sponsored by the Philadelphia Jugglers Club and the Fairmount Park Commission's department of recreation.


A standing-room-only crowd at the Community College of Philadelphia watched the Saturday night public show. Ten diversified acts presented tight, fast­paced entertainment. They included the Dynamite Jump Rope Team, the Philadelphia Juggling Club Unicyclists (with John Foss as visiting featured soloist), and

the local Baloney Brothers.


In addition, Linda Pollack-Johnson, Finnegan, Buffo the Clown and "Odd Andy" D' Allesandro showed off their various specialties. There was even a show during intermission in the .lobby by two fine young performers, Mike Paregian and Rich Sheibley. Jeff Mason, second place finisher in the IJA's 1987 U.S. Nationals Championship, captured the crowd with single and double diablo work. Michael Menes entertained with his quiet theatrical mime and juggling. The uproarious Thien Fu brought down the house with superbly contrived comedy.


Obviously a gathering of several hundred people like this requires cooperation from many people. Special thanks, though, is due to D' Allesandro and Sid Ozer. It couldn't have happened without them! See everyone next year!


Busy One-Nighter In Cincy by Tom Sparough


The Cincinnati-based Perpetual Motion Juggling Club, one of the newest IJA affiliates, gathered with friends Nov. 20, 1987, to strut their stuff for Jugglefest.


With a turnout of about 125, organizer Tim Perrino orchestrated a smoothly-run evening. Among the fun competitions was an apple eating contest where participants had to chomp a complete ring around the apple. Local jugglers Scott Cain and Mike Scharff tied for first place.


It was six -year veteran juggler John Siles who took first place in the standing on one leg while juggling contest. Right on his heels was Merry Spahr. Spahr was taught to juggle several years ago by the Flying Karamazov Brothers, who were on their way to town just after Jugglefest for a one­month run of their "Juggle & Hyde" show. Local jugglers signed up at Jugglefest to teach at preshow classes.


Ralph Weil, a juggling and handball enthusiast, brought up one of the most interesting new ideas of the evening. He said his son-in-law, an optometrist, told him to practice juggling under a strobe light to improve his hand-eye coordination!


Bart Hapke and Guy Millhouse were working on a continuous, two-person, snatch-and-replace four club juggle, with one juggling three and the other snatching and replacing one with a fourth club.


A four ball, one handed, clawed multiplex pattern was shown by Thomas Mann. He also demonstrated a disgusting chin, arm pit and crotch storage juggle.


Peter Jurcenko was working with a friend on a six club passing pattern where they exchanged hats while saying, "put the club between your legs, take the hat off your head, throw the hat to the other guy, put the hat on your head, make it look stylish and juggle. " Jurcenko credited the routine to the Down to Earth Jugglers from

Madison , Wis. A few games of combat juggling rounded out the night. One of the

winners was 1987 second place juniors champ David Cain.


This is the seventh year that Perrino has put together a Jugglefest. One thing that set this one apart was the great door prizes given by the California Juggling Institute, Chasley, Dube, Lynch's Theatrical Department Stores and Renegade. As the night ended, it was obvious that juggling is alive and kicking in Cincinnati .

Thien Fu

Thien Fu in PhiIadelphia

(William Jones Jr. photo)

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