Page 29                                             Spring 1988   

Chilly Jugglers Shed All Briefly For First Au Natural Festival

by Sherry Boas


Forty-nine degrees on a late January day may not seem cold to a Minnesotan. In fact it sounded downright warm to an upstate New Yorker who looked out his window on 15-foot snowdrifts.


But the weather forecast of "cold and cloudy" sent shivers up and down the spine of a Florida nudist awaiting the arrival of 25 jugglers for the First Annual Nude Jugglefest on Jan. 23!


Fast Forward Images, producers of five movies with naturist themes, arrived from New York to film the event. They wanted to concentrate on the interaction of jugglers and audiences, and their presence turned out to be a terrific catalyst for nude juggling action on one cold occasion.


We spent Saturday lakeside on a grassy lawn behind a restaurant. By noon the area was scattered with people riding unicycles, balancing on bongo boards and juggling. Jugglers met informally and juggling videos played on the big screen TV in the restaurant. A crowd of onlookers gathered as the film crew begged jugglers to shed their threads and juggle for the cameras. More than half the participants and most of the audience agreed to help out for posterity. The chill was relieved soon thereafter with a long soak in a hot tub and some active games of ping-pong.


After an evening meal prepared by my husband, Ralph, we retired to the restaurant for an hour of nighttime torch and fire devil stick juggling. Restaurant patrons peering out the windows enjoyed the dazzling display and the cameras rolled again.


We woke late Sunday and ate a home­cooked breakfast to prepare for our parade and performances. The parade was a gathering of tall unicycles, bicycles, juggling equipment and painted faces. The kids got into the action with jump ropes, basketballs and roller skates. Dave Altman from Eatonton, Ga., looked stunning riding his six foot unicycle while spinning a rope around himself. Also on unicycles were Brian Perry, Tom Sgoures and Ralph Boas with eight-year-old Amber Boas on his shoulders.


The parade circled the resort roads. Then we settled down in one spot for an afternoon party. At the request of the Hadley family, owners of Cypress Cove, we put on an impromptu show for the crowd. Kalonymos Briskin of Boston , Mass. , started by juggling clubs. He was joined for passing by Tom Sgoures. Andy Charney from Shelton , Conn. , amazed all with his diabolo and devil stick routine. The Boas family performed short balancing feats and Sue Morgan of Odessa , Fla. , added clogging to the festivities.


The festival cemented many new friendships. We plan to try to repeat its resounding success next year - but we'll change the date! Come join us next fall or the following spring when we can assure jugglers of weather warm enough to enjoy the pleasures of juggling au natural!


(Besides juggling clubs, balls and the devil stick, Sherry Boas juggles three kids. a husband. two businesses and more interests than she has time to pursue.)

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