Page 31 Summer 1988
Short Lesson By
Arthur Lewbel
thinking required for juggling?" In some sense, a juggler with
near-perfect accuracy wouldn't need to think. When we juggle, we rapidly
analyze and remember the exact path of each object in the pattern, then
move our hands and arms appropriately to successfully make each catch
and throw. We need to think about every catch because throws are never
exactly the same.
that juggle don't "think" about catches at all. An example is
Claude Shannon's W.C. Fields machine. This machine, which is built from
an erector set, can bounce juggle three balls off a drum in a cascade
nonstop for a half-hour or more. A machine like this doesn't
"think" about the catches at all. The more accurate the
throws, the less feedback (that is, mental processing) is required to
make catches and maintain the juggle.
absolutely perfect throws are impossible even for a machine, any
successful juggler (human or machine) must allow for some kind of error
compensation in catches. In Shannon's machine, errors in throws are
corrected by having short grooved tracks in place of hands. No matter
where in the track a ball lands, gravity makes it roll to the back of
the track before being thrown. In this way,
industrial robots incorporate far more sophisticated feedback mechanisms
than a grooved track. For example, such robots can "feel" when
a peg has become stuck diagonally in a hole, and "know" enough
to jiggle it to get it in, rather than forcing it. If industrial robots
were programmed to juggle, they could probably compensate for far worse
throws than Shannon
's erector set can.
robots, human jugglers also make unconscious corrections with every
catch. For example, good club jugglers always slide a club to the knob
before throwing it. However, we also consciously make much more
elaborate adjustments. For example, we may subtly push an entire
juggling pattern up, down or to one side to compensate for a single bad
throw, then slowly drift the pattern back into place.
juggling pushes the limits of human precision in the aim and timing of
throws. The more this limit is pushed, the more our ability to use our
brains to compensate for bad throws becomes relevant. When machines that
juggle large numbers of objects are constructed, they will likely be
less capable than humans of compensating for bad throws, and will have
to adjust by making throws more consistently
end with a short lesson about gravity. Rather than give details,
T be flight time in seconds, H be the height
of the throw (measured from where the object is thrown to the top of its
flight) and V be the velocity of an object as it leaves
the hand.
following table shows H and V for different flight times T:
typical 5 ball cascade is about 4 feet high. The first column of the
table shows that a 4-foot throw spends about 1 second in the air, and is
thrown at 16 feet per second (about 11 mph). For comparison, if we got
Roger Clemens to lie on his back and throw a 98 mph (144 feet per
second) fastball straight up, it would go up 324 feet, yet only spend 9
seconds in the air.
relationships between T, H and V are approximately V = 16T feet per
second and H =4T squared feet per second. This last equation is probably
the most important one. It says that to double the amount of time an
object spends in the air, you must quadruple the height to which it's
author invites your suggestions and comments on academic juggling. as
well as bibliographic information on the science of juggling. Write:
Arthur Lewbel, Somerville, MA.) |