Page 33                                                     Summer 1989



Aug. 4-6 Hull , Quebec , Canada

Jugglers are invited to the Hull Inter­national Bicycle Festival. There will be practice space for jugglers, plenty of uni­cycle activities and a Circus Fantasy Im­provisation Evening. There is a $5 registra­tion fee. Contact Daniel Pelletier; 120 MutchmoreSt.; Hull , Quebec ;CanadaJ8Y 3T7.


Aug. 25-27 South Bass Island , Ohio

The First Ever.North Shore of Ohio Is­land Bash will be organized by the Jest J ug­glers. The juggling will take place at the town of Put-In-Bay on South Bass Island . You can take the ferry across Lake Erie from Catawba, Ohio , to get there. Bring a bike and plan on camping on the island. Contact Mike Heidtman  or Bob Whitcomb.


Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Maastricht , Netherlands

The 1989 European Juggling Conven­tion will be held in Maastricht , 200 km. from Amsterdam in the south of the coun­try. The location has everything under one roof -- practice halls, swimming pool, camping, youth hostel and all on a nature reserve. Contact Lee Hayes; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands .


Sept. 15-17 Catalina Island , California

The Orange Jugglers will host the Third Annual Catalina Island Festival. It

will take place at Two Harbors. Contact Eric Berg, Santa Ana , CA .


Sept. 16-17 Philadelphia , Pennsylvania

Seventh Annual Philadelphia Jugglers Jubilee at Plaisted Hall, One Boathouse Row in Fairmount Park . Contact Glenn Ceponis.


Sept. 16-17 Denton , Texas

The Texas Juggling Festival will be at the Denton Civic Center , 321 McKinney St. , in Denton . There will be a free public show Saturday night at the Civic Center Park Amphitheater. Sunday's activities will be at the Addison Athletic Club, 3900 Beltway Dr. , in Addison . Activities include workshops and combat juggling. Contact Rodney Barton or Audrey Bernecker.


September 23 West Lafayette , Indiana

The Purdue University Juggling Club will host its second annual Fallfest in the Purdue Armory. It's perfect for unicycling, fire and high-flying action. The day's activities will end with a party. Contact Arnold Ward Or Ben Cheung.


Oct. 6-8 Durham , North Carolina

The Duke Juggling Club will host North Carolina 's first ever mini-conven­tion at Duke University . Juggling from II p.m. Friday to 2 p.m. Sunday. Contact Mike Narotsky, Durham , NC.


October 14-15 Stockton , California

The first Annual Stockton Juggling Festival will take place at Micke Grove Park and Zoo, five miles north of StocktoI!. The event is sponsored by the San Joaquin County department of parks and recreation, with help from the Renegades and San Francisco jugglers. There will be indoor and outdoor juggling spaces, street per­forming, workshops, world record at­tempts and Club Renegade. Contact Andrew Conway.


Jan 27-Feb. 3,1990 Kalapana , Hawaii

The Sixth Annual Hawaiian Vaude­ville Festival will be held at Kalani Honua, a resort at the base of the Pacific's only active volcano. Beautiful scenery, open juggling and Club Volcano. Rates at Kalani Honua run from $200 for camping to $365 for a double room and private bath. Price includes lodging and vegetarian meals. Contact Tricia Allen, Denver CO before Aug. 15 or after that date write the Hawaiian Vaudeville Co.;Pahoa HI.


March 30-Aprill, 1990 Kissimmee , Florida

The Third Nude J ugglefest will be held at "the Cadillac of nudist resorts." Contact Sherry Boas; Kissimmee , FL .

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