Page 29                                             Winter 1989 - 90


- Salt Lake City - Bill King.



- Brattleboro - Henry Lappen.

- Burlington - Jugglers From Mars, Tom Rayburn.

- Montpelier - Green Mountain Juggling Club, Paul Ohlson or Jeff Cowan.



- Blacksburg - Juggling Theatrics Club, Randy or Clarke Mayo.

- Charlottesville - Juggling Theatrics Club,  Randy or Clarke Mayo.

* Norfolk - Jugglers Vein, Steve Kissell.



* Seattle - Cascade Jugglers, Darrell W. Toomey or Halina Kiljanczyc..

- Tacoma - Eric Barkman.



- Milwaukee - The Milwaukee Gym Jugglers, Duane or Mary Pickering.

- Milwaukee - Friends MIme Theatre,  Melinda Boyd.



- Sheridan - Gravity Schmavity Juggling Conflux, Tim Cummings.



- Winnipeg, Man. - Winnipeg Juggling Club, Perry Rubenfeld.

- St. Johns, Newfoundland - Upward Mobility Jugglers, Duane Starcher or Aaron McKim.

- Halifax, N.S. - The Bluenose Jugglers, Christopher Majka.

- London, Ont. - University of Western Ontario Juggler's Club, Dave Naylor or Terry Williams.

- Ottowa, Ont. - Jugg]ers Jam,  Ken Wilson, Brian Boychuk.

- Toronto, Ont. - Toronto Jugglers Club, Bill Oliver, David Morgen, or Larry Ellenson.

- Saskatoon, Sas. - Pastafarian Jugglers, Bob Palmer.

- Montreal, Que. - Les Jongleurs Associs Ju Qubec, Serge Trempe.



If you plan to travel to Europe and want to know if there are clubs meeting near the points on your itinerary, call the Juggler's World office for the latest information.  Thank you!

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