Page  12                                                            Fall 1990

Census Reveals Mother Lode of Jugglers

Could it be that as many as 55.2­million people in the US can do a three ball cascade? That would be hard to believe, but the IJA's 1990 Juggling Census did indicate that an impressive number of people do know how to juggle.


More than 30 IJA affiliates, clubs and individual members served as census takers on Juggling Day, June 16, in the first­ever attempt to compile some comprehen­sive data on the pervasiveness of juggling in today's society. They returned 739 completed forms. The results showed 23 percent of respondents reported they could do a three-ball cascade. Extrapolate that to a US population of 240-million people, and you've got 55.2-million jugglers!


However, the census cannot be considered scientifically valid because of its random nature. Groups and individuals administered the census to members of the general public at exhibitions and demonstrations all across the US and in Canada. Scientifically valid surveys must be administered to specific groups of people under controlled conditions.


Still, the results of the survey do indicate just how popular and common juggling is today. Besides the benchmark Question of whether respondents can do the three-ball cascade, other Questions and their data were:


1. If you don't juggle, have you ever wished you could or tried to learn?

Y-53%, N-22%, No answer-25%.


2. Do any of your immediate family members know how to juggle?



3. Do you personally know anyone who knows how to juggle?

Y-58%, N-41%


4. Have you ever seen a live juggling performance?

Y-85%, N-14%


5. Have you paid to see a juggler, or given to a street performer?

Y-38%, N -61 %


6. Have you ever heard of the IJA?

    Y-23%, N-76%


7. Do you think juggling should be taught as a phys. ed. skill in schools?

Y-74%, N-22%



8. What do you believe to be the record number of balls, clubs and rings juggled?

    Balls-8, Clubs-6, Rings-8


9. Do you consider juggling to be primarily a sport, performance art or comedy act?

    Sport-9%, Per. Act-65%, Com. Act - 9%


10. Do you prefer to watch individual jugglers or team jugglers? 1-27%, T -48%



11. On a 1 (neg.) -to- 10 (pos.) scale, what is your overall opinion of juggling entertainers? 7


Age of census respondents:

under 15 -19%; 15-25 - 20%; 26-35 - 23%; 36-45 - 18%; 46-55 - 18%; over 55 - 7%


Sex of respondents: M-49%, F 43%, No answer - 8%

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