Page 28                                         Fall 1991

Major IJA Awards At St. Louis


IJA Award of Excellence to Sergei Mikhailovich Ignatov

The award recognizes extraordinary achievement in the field of juggling performance. Nominees have demonstrated ability in, and dedication to, the art of juggling that has clearly established them as an international leader in the field.


(Excerpt from award certificate) Every endeavor has heroes, people whose status is acknowledged in their recognition by a single name. Lincoln, Churchill, Ruth, Lindbergh, and Sinatra are but a few. As these figures stand out above all others in the public arena, so has the name "Ignatov" come to symbolize the best that juggling has to offer. . .


IJA Historical Achievement Award to Trixie Larue

(New in 1991) For jugglers, living or deceased, who have at one point in their careers shown extraordinary juggling achievements.


(Excerpt from award certificate) Her personality came to full flower on the ice as she absorbed the energy of the audience and gave back even more. Her love of performing was profound. Beautiful and radiant, she wrapped the audience in her aura and sold them on her performance with a million-dollar smile. Stagehands with the show counted her drops by the year, rather than by the performance...


IJA Founders Award to Andrew Head

(New in 1991) The IJA Founders Award recognizes a juggler whose performance at any point during the annual festival best reflects the spirit of vaudeville entertainment that the organization's founders upheld. A committee of IJA elders selects the winner whose act shows a logical progression from beginning to middle to end, demonstrates outstanding and engaging characterization, and conveys good comedy and variety arts skills.


IJA Excellence In Education Award to Dave Finnigan

(New in 1991) Recognizes outstanding efforts by individuals to teach the skills or art of juggling, either to non-jugglers or to those who already juggle.


(Excerpt from award certificate) Appearing as "Professor Confidence," Finnigan has personally taught more than a half-million people to juggle in 16 states, three Canadian provinces and several other countries. He has attended every IJA festival since 1977, and was the IJA's education director from 1978-85.


His greatest legacy in that role was development of the present festival workshop program...


Honorary Life Membership to Phineas Indritz

Recognizes IJA members demonstrating dedicated service to the organization over a long period of time.


(Excerpt from award certificate) Tonight we honor one of our own for his devotion to the IJA as demonstrated by four decades of convention attendance, volunteer legal work on its behalf, and a never-ending curiosity for our infinite art...


People's Choice Award to Laura Green

A popular vote determines the winner of this award, which is intended to reflect the popularity of individual performance during the festival.


Affiliate Communications Award to The Purdue Jugglers

This award honors an affiliate which has done the best job of communicating with the IJA and upheld the spirit of friendly interchange with others in carrying on its mission of spreading the joy of juggling.             

Laura Green, her music and her bear won the People's Choice Award (Giduz photo)

Laura Green, her music and her bear won the People's Choice Award (Giduz photo)

Dave Finnigan receives the Excellence in Education Award as emcee Bill Giduz looks on. ((c) 1991 Roger Dollarhide)

Trixie Larue received the Historical Achievement Award ((c) Roger Dollarhide)

Sergei Ignatov with the IJA Award of Excellence ((c) 1991 Roger Dollarhide)

Founders Award winner Andrew Head receives the trophy from its originator, Art Jennings.

((c) Roger Dollarhide)

Phineas Indritz as the IJA's latest Honorary Life Member ((c) 1991 Roger Dollarhide)

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