Page 4                                            Spring 1992



Board of Directors Submit Organizational Goals

by Perry Rubenfeld, IJA board chairman            


The following goals were submitted to the IJA Chairman of the Board from each board     member. Although the year is more than half over; I feel it is important to share these goals with our membership to whom we are accountable. What is presented here is a summary of each director's 1- and 2-year goals. Should you wish to have any point clarified, please do not hesitate to call the individual director directly.


Perry Rubenfeld­Chairman of the Board of Directors

1 Year Goals: To be accountable to the membership of the IJA; To see that the chairman and the IJA board members carry out their duties and committee responsibilities;



As chief officer of the corporation, to preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and manage the business of the corporation, and see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect; To serve in an administrative capacity at all corporation events.


3 Year Goals: through the above, to make the IJA a profitable, expanding, worldwide organization of jugglers, both amateur and professional.


Carter Andrews ­ Former Director in charge of Championships

2-3 Year plans: To increase the prestige and the level of excellence shown in IJA competitions. Changes made will be evolutionary, not revolutionary. While the most evident order of business for the committee in the coming years is to refine rules, the more important underlying piece of business is to educate competitors as to what makes a truly excellent competition.


Sandy Brown ­ Director in charge of membership

1 Year Goals: To increase membership by providing the opportunity for non-IJA members to join the organization at nationwide and local festivals at a reduced rate and provide IJA members a chance to renew at a reduced rate; To inform the membership about the membership contest.


3 Year Goals: To establish a reduced rate membership at dozens of juggling festivals; To provide participating festivals with merchandise to raffle; To expand and establish a similar structure in colleges and universities.


Glenn Ceponis - Director in charge of grants

1 Year Goals: Recruit people experienced in grant writing and sponsorship acquisition; Determine how the IJA can best use grant and sponsorship money; Search for probable money sources; Pursue the best avenues for obtaining grants and sponsorships; Secure grants for the Montreal festival.


3 Year Goals: Continue obtaining grants and sponsorships; Generate grants and spon­sorships as a regular source of IJA funding.


Rich Chamberlin ­ Director in charge of Archives

1 Year Goals: Inventory the IJA archives; Begin recording an oral history of the IJA and juggling; Begin cross-referencing the IJA Newsletters and Jugglers World magazines; Compile a bibliography of written material pertaining to juggling; Index all IJA video tapes; Contact people for acquisitions to the archives; Write an IJA archival philosophy.


3 Year Goals: Acquire a storage facility for the archives; Reprint Jugglers World for sales in one year volumes.


Chris Majka ­ Director in charge of Publications

1 Year Goals: To ensure the continued smooth publication of Juggler's World; To encourage and facilitate the publication of books of interest to the juggling community by private concerns (technical, historical or artistic works); To continue in my role as the IJA Soviet desk and continue to expand our contacts and involvements in that part of the world.


2nd Year: To assist on the Grants Committee in finding possible sources of money and sponsorships for IJA activities, assist in the planning of the Montreal Festival and provide input to the Archives Committee.


3 year Goals: To undertake an expanded publications program, perhaps publish or co-publish some books; To solidify its corporate sponsorship base.


Paul Kyprie - Director of Marketing.

1 Year Goals: To increase membership to 3,500+ through introductory offer, membership drive and contest. Follow up letter to drop-outs and other aggressive marketing techniques; Increase convention attendance 10%; Strengthen affiliate club structure with perks; Improve media image; Improve corporate sponsorship; Improve number of merchandise items; Increase merchandise sales by 5%.


3 Year Goals: Increase membership to 4,000; Increase affiliate clubs to 65+; Increase convention attendance to 1,400+; Increase merchandise sales 5%.


Steven Salberg - Director in charge of Video

1 Year Goals: Familiarization with present system; Set up record keeping for future video sales; Explore European video market; Edit existing footage of past championships and market through Jugglers World and direct mail.


3 Year Goals: Expand bidding for video production of festival; Produce special in­terest videos.


Jek Kelly - Director in charge of Affiliates

1 Year Goals: To maintain, expand and improve the current affiliate system; Familiarization myself with the IJA "system;" Work for the average juggler.


3 Year Goals: Help get the IJA financially sound and operating in a smooth, efficient manner; To coordinate and assist regional festivals through the affiliate system.


Norman Schneiderman ­Director of Administration

1 Year Goals: To study and analyze the current business practices of the IJA; To develop and institute a system of reports which will do the following, 1. Have a set of internal controls to monitor the activities of all business of the IJA, 2. Through "A" enable me to report to the members of the integrity of our business practices, 3. Through "A" enable me to accurately analyze our business practices and propose methods to streamline the same and hopefully extract the IJA from its current financial difficulties; To develop the position of director of administration into an effective position of general management of the business practices of the IJA; To work with the festival coordinator to make our annual festival into a guaranteed profit-making event, to fund the existing projects of the IJA and enable us to develop the many great projects of the members into fruitful endeavor; To compile over years one and two a complete set of job descriptions so new board members and volunteers can more easily carry on the activities for the IJA; To be available and accountable to all members and their desires and to help the organization fulfill the wishes of it membership.


Mike Vondruska ­ Director in Charge of Education

The objective of the Education Committee is to expand the awareness or the fun activity of juggling to the general public and to help hobbyist jugglers increase their knowledge of juggling techniques; To implement and promote in schools and with IJA members a pin and certificate award achievement system. The awards are based on learning more tricks with the different standard juggling props.


FESTIVAL WORKSHOPS: Goal is to provide demonstration, lecture and "hand-on" sessions encompassing all aspects of jug­gling different props, including auxiliary props. To also provide information regarding performing in all situations, advertising oneself and other pertinent subjects.


1992 FESTIVAL: To devote one hour each day during the festival to have instructors in a particular area help a limited number of students learn to execute more and more tricks with a particular prop; To make avail. able to affiliate clubs and individual jugglers an instructional outline on how to lead a two hour, two one hour, four one hour and six one hour sessions on beginning juggling workshops.


3 YEAR GOALS: To have in every public library at least one or more of the following juggling resources, 1. A juggling "how-to" book, 2. Teaching video, 3. Scarves and/or beanbags to be checked for learning at home; To provide more teacher in-service juggling seminars by the Juggling Institute members and other qualified juggling teachers; To create a juggling games and competitions manual for hobbyist jugglers and for teachers.


Call For Nominations For IJA Board of Directors

IJA members wishing to run for a spot on the Board of Directors must send in a self nomination form by May 1 to register candidacy and appear on the first ballot, which will be included as part of the festival registration flier.


Persons who do not file by that time may still register their candidacy at the general business meeting during the summer festival. A final ballot will be compiled for members to vote on during the festival, but those who file after the May 1 deadline will lose the benefit of the absentee ballots mailed in earlier. People who vote on the first ballot may pull that ballot at the festival in favor of the final ballot if they wish. Send your nomina­tion to IJA secretary Tom Bennett; Akron OH.


Juggling Network Access Changes

Just as we sent last Fall's issue, the juggling electronic mail list had to shut down. Fortunately, another intrepid Indiana juggler, Terry Jones, formed a new list. Also, service began on another network, Usenet, and through Jones' heroics, both Usenet and e­mail readers see all the same messages!


If you have access to the Usenet news service, simply read the "rec.juggling" newsgroup.

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