Page 21 Summer 1992
feigned difficulty he holds up eight fingers. He goes to the can and
removes three pocket billiard "eight" balls and displays
them to the audience. He juggles three, and one is bounced off the
head with exaggerated reactions. Balls are returned to the can. BJ
looks into the can and comes out with a banana.
plays "Yes, We Have No Bananas.
admiration and lip-licking anticipation, the banana skin is zipped
open, a bite is taken and the skin is zipped back up. The banana is
placed in the can as BJ chews with exaggerated motion and gulps. He
searches through his pockets, finally coming out of inside his coat
pocket with a full glass of water. He drinks part of the water and
then indicates that it tastes bad. He offers it to the audience.
Shrugs, makes a move as though throwing the water at the audience,
but the glass is
manipulated so that no water is spilled.
water is casually poured into his coat breast pocket, whereupon a
large sunflower appears. The glass is tossed about six feet into the
rubbish can. BJ bends, closes his eyes and places his hand over his
ears. Silence. No crash. BJ looks up with satisfaction when, eight
seconds after the glass lands in the can there is a loud extended
crash, with obvious reaction from BJ.
goes to the can and looks in, coming out with a saucer, a cup, a tea
bag and finally a tea pot.
plays "Tea For Two."
juggles four objects with cup ending on the saucer, tea bag in cup
in right hand, teapot caught by the handle in the left hand and,
with grand gesture, BJ pours himself a cup of tea. Objects tossed
casually into the rubbish can. BJ looks into the can again. Out
comes the banana.
again plays "Yes, We Have No Bananas." BJ takes one more
bite and the banana is zipped up again and returned to the can.
plays "Every Little Movement Has A Meaning Of Its Own." BJ
starts taking out plates, placing four on the bench, one at a time,
then retains what appears to be five.
plays "Pop Goes The Weasel." BJ moves down stage with the
plates curled into his right arm, and does a few soft-shoe dance
steps to music. But when the "Pop" part of the song comes
up the plates are "rolled" out of his arm and turn out to
be a large yo-yo. Plates go up and down three times to repeat of the
music, and the yo-yo is returned to the can.
Orchestra returns to "Every Little Movement..." BJ goes into a number of single plate moves and slides, into three plate slides, then into three plate juggling routine, including "flip" juggling, and ends catching one plate behind the back. Bow and into a four plate routine. In overexuberant acceptance of applause, he throws the plates into the air and they land noisily behind the bench.
plays "Bananas." BJ goes to the can once more and removes
the banana. He zips the skin open and goes to take a bite, but there
is no banana. He looks disgusted and dismayed, and goes from side to
side of the stage showing the audience his problem. He pauses, then
gets an enlightened look. He waves his hand over the empty skin and to
a proper slide whistle sound, a banana grows out of the skin. BJ takes
a large bite, gets a huge smile of satisfaction and, while chewing,
returns the banana to the can.
plays "Slow Boat To China." BJ searches in the can and comes
out with one club. He examines it and does a few swinging moves with
the club, which seems to slap him in the face. He gets a second club
and does a couple of swinging moves. He gets a third and juggles a
bit. He stops, places the clubs on the bench and pantomimes that he is
about to roll up his sleeves.
plays "A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody." BJ goes into a
"stripper" strut as he carefully and teasingly removes his
coat, revealing that his shirt is lacking sleeves, but has cuffs. The
coat is carefully folded, and then tossed behind the can. The cuffs
are carefully removed to the music, rolled together and stuffed into
one of the patches in his pants.
returns to "Slow Boat. . . " BJ goes into an extensive
routine, but with the pace getting slower and slower as the music
slows. Finally he yawns and ends juggling sitting on the bench with
the club bottoms hitting the floor in time to the music. An alarm
clock rings and BJ speeds up and resumes the routine, catching one
club behind his back, and swings it back up over his shoulder as he
walks off stage.
acknowledges the applause and returns to center stage and holds up
four fingers. He gets a fourth club out of the can and does a short
four club routine. He holds up five fingers and goes to the can for a
fifth club. With four in the left hand he advances front with the
fifth club held high as the orchestra goes into a pyramid crescendo.
The last chord goes sour as the fifth club shatters, showering
confetti everywhere. 'The clubs are returned to the can.
orchestra plays "Candy." BJ discovers a large cylinder
painted to represent a peppermint stick candy. He acts elated and
licks the candy, then offers it to the audience, and reacts to their
rejection. He spots someone who might accept, but drops the candy on
his foot. With exaggerated pain he sits on the bench to nurse his
injured foot. His left hand is on the bench back while the right hand
rubs his foot. When he tries to retrieve the candy, part of the bench
back comes off in his hand. The board is stuck to his hand and he
struggles with it. It finally comes off with a suddenness that almost
staggers him. He goes over to the cylinder on the floor and places a
board on it. He looks at it as if it's a great idea, backs up, runs
and glides to the left and right before attaining balance on the
goes into "Hootchy Kootchy." BJ exaggerates his hip moves
like a belly dancer. He takes a large red bandanna from the patch on
his knee and holds it in front in false modesty. He jumps off and
passes his hand over the bandanna, changing it to blue, and replaces
it in his pocket.
plays "Volga Boatman." BJ places the roller and board on the
bench, goes into the can and comes out with giant clubs. Each hits the
floor with a loud thud. With these three clubs he seems to be pulled
back and forth across the stage by sheer weight of the swing of the
clubs. He climbs laboriously onto the bench, then on to balance on the
teeter board.
follows moves with drum rolls, then plays "Anchors Aweigh."
BJ juggles large clubs while on the teeter board as lights dim and
clubs, edge of bench, teeter board and roller become luminous via
black light. He juggles for 32 bars of music, then lights come up for
a finish and run to the front for a bow. Orchestra
continues music for "Tag." BJ acknowledges applause, leaves
and returns as indicated by the music. Music softens and
goes to the can to retrieve a small bicycle.
swells, BJ gets on the bike and rides off stage left. Music continues
as long as the audience indicates curtain calls. |