Page 5                                             Winter 1993-94

IJA Not A Numbers Clique


I must disagree with Dale Jones' letter in the fall issue stating that the IJA has "become an organization for seven club jugglers." I have been a member of the IJA for three years and have attended several regional festivals, my first annual festival at Fargo, and visited a number of local juggling clubs. I am strictly a three object juggler. Despite the fact that I don't do the advanced work that Jones indicates is required by the IJA, I have never I , felt unwelcomed at any juggling activity.


I do, however, agree with Jones that we need to place more emphasis on juggling as entertainment! I wish I had been in San Jose in 1986 for the street entertainment competition. I'm not sure that this competition needs to be the main public event of the festival, but it does have a place. I also very much like the idea of having members of the local media as the judges. We can only benefit from having an outside viewpoint.


I agree that comedy and entertainment skills will help the greatest number of current members and attract the public's attention. Education is an excellent method for attracting new members. A person who has learned the basics is in a position to appreciate and begin to understand the "complicated tricks and moves" more advanced jugglers perform.


Let us try to entertain and educate the public and include these objectives in future festivals.                      

Dusten Galbraith - Silvis, Illinois

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