Page 12                                             Spring 1994


The IJA will hold its Games Day in Burlington on Saturday, August 13. The Games Day is sponsored by CHURCH STREET MARKETPLACE, THE DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION and BURLINGTON SQUARE.

The Games are expected be one of Burlington's hottest summer events!!! The Burlington community has caught the juggling fever and will be turning out to cheer us on during our fun-filled day. Joggling kicks off the day at UVM track followed by a half-mile parade at noon from Patrick Gymnasium to Church Street Marketplace (KAZOOS DONATED BY THE TOYCRAFTER!).

Bring colorful clothes for the march, and enjoy a slate of  Games including five ball endurance, obstacle course juggle, unicycle races, diabolo high toss, top spinning contests and skills demonstrations. Anyone interested in helping with the Games (as well as clubs or individuals with ideas for creative new team games) and anyone interested in organizing and supervising Combat should contact Scott Siesnick; Canton OH. Events will be capped off with the Big Toss-Up group photo.



The Saturday night, August 13, Cascade of Stars Show will be directed by Dan Holzman at the beautiful Flynn Theatre in downtown Burlington. Avner the Eccentric will headline the show, supported by an all-star cast. For further information, or if you would like to perform, call Dan Holzman.


Anyone interested in performing in the IJA festival house band should contact Bruce Plott; Jacksonville FL.



Circus Smirkus is the world's only international traveling youth circus in the old- fashioned, one-ring, Big Top tradition. It features young performers from Vermont and Russia's Moscow Circus School performing in a spirited two-hour show. Circus Smirkus's Big Top will be erected close to the gym, and their performers will join IJA festivities at the beginning of the week.



Floor space for vendors around the perimeter of Patrick Gymnasium is available on a per-day basis, or for the entire week. Contact Barry Korengold; San Francisco CA.



The IJA encourages its affiliates and other juggling groups to bring banners to hang at Patrick Gymnasium. There will be an affiliate meeting at the festival to discuss mutual concerns, and affiliates are invited to present special awards to deserving individuals at the festival. For general affiliate information contact IJA di­rector Jek Kelly; Omaha NE.



Registrants may make videotapes for non-commercial purposes inside Patrick Gymnasium with permission of the person being taped. No videotaping of any staged championships event or show (except joggling) will be al­lowed. The IJA will be taping these events and will make the festival tape available later in the year. Videotaping of workshops will be left to the discretion of individual workshop leaders. For more information contact IJA director Dr. Steven Salberg; Denville NJ.



The organizers need your support with registration, security, staging and other duties. If you can volunteer a little time at the festival please call Jim Dorman, operations manager.

Tom Murphy
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