Page 36                                           Fall 1995

Team Numbers Jugglers Push the Envelope


Competitors set five new IJA records in the 11 Numbers Championships events this year - all in team passing. The big winners were twin brothers Alex and Nick Karvounis, 1991 Team Championships Silver Medalists, who won six gold medals for their achievements.


Competitors and the audience alike enjoyed a new format, which was employed to speed up the proceedings and increase their interest. Rather than making successive two minute attempts at rising levels of objects as in the past, this year each competitor had a single three-minute period in which to make all attempts at any levels.


Few competitors performed to their potential in individual attempts. Noteworthy was the near (but not quite) qualifying run of 15 catches of an eight ball shower by Bruce Sarafian in preliminaries. After easily qualifying a nine ball cascade many times in preliminaries, Sarafian used the finals to first get a minimal qualifying run of eight to win the event, but he was unsuccessful in his attempt at nine. Similarly, Francoise Rochais began her finals period with a modest (by her standards) run of 52 catches with six clubs (batons in her case), but failed to get a qualifying run of seven in the time remaining.


For the first time in IJA competition, there were qualifying runs of 13 ball passing (Joey Cousin and Bruce Sarafian) and 12 ring passing (Alex and Nick Karvounis). An IJA record was established for the new "club feed" event with 12 clubs, and the previous records for passing 10 clubs and the 12 club line were each exceeded.

All finalists are listed below with their best runs. The numbers of catches reported are the total catches by all hands (two, four or six hands, depending on the event).


1995 IJA Numbers Championships Results


Individual Events

Balls - 1) Bruce Sarafian - 16 catches of 8; 2) Peter Blanchard - 15 catches of 7


Rings - 1) Scott Sorensen - 17 catches of 8; 2) Peter Blanchard - 14 catches of 7

Clubs - 1) Francoise Rochais - 52 catches of 6.  2) Scott Sorensen & Rob Vancko could not achieve a legal run)

Ball Shower -1) Bruce Sarafian - 21 catches of 7; 2) Rob Vancko - 31 catches of 6; 3) Peter Blanchard - 17 catches of 6.


Ball Bounce - 1) Malkenthin Hannes - 20 catches of 8

Team Passing Events

Balls - 1) Joey Cousin & Bruce Sarafian ­ 54 catches of 13; ( Peter Kaseman & Rob Vancko could not achieve a legal run)

Rings - * 1) Alex & Nick Karvounis - 52 catches of 12; 2) David Cain & Scott Sorensen - 70 catches of 10


Clubs - * 1) Alex & Nick Karvounis - 176 catches of 10; 2) Owen Morse & Jon Wee ­ 76 catches of 10. (Peter Kaseman & Rob Vancko could not achieve a legal run)

Ball Bounce - 1) Fran Favorini & Fred Strempel- 58 catches of 13

Three Person Club line - * 1) David Cain, Mark Peachock & Merry Spahr - 264 catches of 12; 2) Martin Frost, Alex & Nick Karvounis - 162 catches of 12


Three Person Club Feed - * 1) Martin Frost, Alex & Nick Karvounis - 102 catches of 12


* New IJA Record

Officials - Barry Bakalor (director), Mark Bakalor, Nathan Hoover, Bob Mendelsohn & Alan Morgan, Steve Salberg


Note: The updated rules and new IJA records are available at the Juggling Information Service.

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