Page 5 Spring 1996
Report by
Perry Rubenfeld, Chairman of the IJA Board of Directors
hope that the excitement for the upcoming 49th IJA Festival
in Rapid City is growing as
are well underway for the festival. Dick Franco will be directing
the Cascade of Stars show and Arthur Lewbel will be in charge of the
IJA Championships. Award of Excellence recipient Albert Lucas and
IJA Historical Achievement Award recipient Bob Bramson will both
perform in the Cascade of Stars show. Bob Bramson has chosen our
festival to close out his career, and will make
IJA Winter Festival in Las Vegas was an exciting time for all
participants, with lots of juggling, Vegas shows and camaraderie
being the menu for the week.
IJA has formed a committee headed by director Mike Vondruska to
"develop a plan to improve the quality, availability and cost
performance of Juggler's World." This committee has already
made some changes in content that will appear in this issue. Members
having suggestions should forward them to Mike in writing at
Bensenville IL.
hope many of you saw the wonderful 10minute feature on the IJA
festival in Las Vegas done by the television show "Amazing
America" recently.
this issue you'll find the official mail-in ballot for the upcoming
elections of the Board of Directors. If you are not going to attend
want to thank all those who have volunteered their time, effort and
expertise to assist the IJA in certain areas this past year. Not
wanting to forget one, I will not try to name all. Whether you are
serving on a committee,
following motions which have not been previously reported to the
membership were carried unanimously at the IJA Board of Directors conference calls held Nov. 27, 1995, and March 25,1996: 1) That the IJA expel one of its members. 2) To post the current issue of the Clubs & Affiliates Newsletter to the Juggling Information Service and to post Juggler's World magazine there no earlier than one year after each issue appears. 3) To accept the minutes of the IJA conference call of November 27. 4) To set the number of board of directors for the IJA for the upcoming year at seven. 5) To contribute $75 toward the purchase of the IJA Award of Excellence in Education. 6) To accept and approve the 1996 budget as presented. 7)
To accept our chief administrative officer's report on membership
dues as written, with Canadian and U.S. membership rates remaining
as before. This will better reflect the actual cost of servicing our
overseas members.
look forward to seeing you all in Rapid City!
Report by
Schneiderman, Chief Administrative Officer
fellow jugglers! The numbers are in from 1995, and I am pleased to
report a modest
profit once again. Business is good with membership up slightly from
last year. The new membership software is up and running on our
computer and the bugs are slowly being worked out. Hopefully, we
will not have the same glitches we have had in the past with errors
in the Roster and inaccurate numbers for membership. 1995's numbers
seem to indicate we had 2801 "member units." Family
memberships count as only one "unit" so the number of
members was actually quite a bit higher, but our former computer
software didn't calculate the number of people in each family.
We are also finally developing a mailing
list of past members to target for renewal, 0so we may see
membership growth from that strategy as well.
Las Vegas Winterfest was a great time. It was very intimate with
lots of good juggling and shows to be seen. Rapid City looks like a
special time this summer, and the Pittsburgh '97 rumors just keep
growing and growing. (Save your pennies, because this will be the
biggest juggling event ever!)
always, write, e-mail and or call with your questions, comments and
Festival Auctions: New & Old by
Braidy Brown
it's new! It's our new "Collectible Auction" along with our
right! You can be the owner of any or all of the four great items
being offered! Bid once and big high, and hopefully you'll be the
highest bidder when the item is presented at the IJA auction in Rapid
City during the summer festival. (Each item will be sold to the
highest bidder at the time of auction. Your bid, if the highest, will
be considered the purchase price.)
An original Stefan A. Bell (Csiszar) painting. This painting was
donated to the auction by the artist/juggler/ performer/teacher,
Stefan Bell, a.k.a. The Great Ballini. This oil-on-stretched-canvas
painting measures 24" x 36". It is a multi-colored,
multi-dimensional painting rich in reds, blues, whites and yellows,
featuring a variety of juggling props.
exciting painting has an appraised gallery value of $2,400. It will
take an opening bid of at least $500 to start the bidding on this
beautiful and very valuable painting. You can read more about the
artist and see a black and white picture of this painting on page 28
of the 1992 Spring issue of "Juggler's World." Its the
second picture on the page. An art
SECOND ITEM (2): A wonderful, one-of-a-kind painting donated for
auction by its artist, ArtJennings--renowned performer, IJA founder
and IJA board member. This painting was selected from Art's personal
collection. It's a wonderful painting of the superlative juggler
Bobby May performing the feature piece of his show standing on his
head while bouncing six balls on a drum. The picture, very rich in
color, was painted in acrylic on a 16" x 12" canvas board,
and has been professionally framed in a silver-over-blue fluted
hardwood frame. This painting would be a marvelous addition to any
THIRD ITEM (3): An original, one-ofa-kind performance derby that was
used by Kris Kremo on his World Tour with the Big Apple Circus. Kris
has personally autographed and detailed this derby: This is a very
experienced hat that was used by Kris in many performances. A rare
find for the collector of juggling memorabilia, or to performers
looking to add a high degree of experience and class to their act.
FOURTH ITEM (4): The original "Deek Franco" and Red River
Rosy costumes from a show that starred Dick Franco and his wife,
Carleen. This costume ensemble includes "Deek's" shirt, tie,
trousers, suspenders, shoes and break-away sleeves, along with Rosy's
bright red dress and shoes. This is a one-of-a-kind, very collectible
item. Be the first in your juggling club to hang a pair of Dick
Franco's pants in your closet!
TO BID: 1) You must include your name, address, phone number, the number of the item on which you're bidding and the dollar amount you want to bid. 2) All bids must be in writing. No phone bids will be accepted. Only those bids received by July 14, 1996, will be considered. We're not responsible for bids we do not receive. 3) All items will be sold in their "as is" condition at the time of sale. 4)
If you are the high bidder, you will be notified by phone.
Mail your bids to: Braidy Brown, IJA board member and auction organizer. |
This 36" x 24" oil painting by Stefan Bell is up for bid right now! |