Page 45                                               Summer 1996

Drawing Causal Diagrams

By the way, if you're playing around much with causal diagrams, I suggest that you print up a few pages that consists of line after line of equally spaced R's and L's going across the page - graph paper for causal diagrams! For one type of pattern, print up one page with all the R's lined up vertically, indicating that everyone's R hand is in sync, as in Fig. 13. For another type, print up a page where every other line starts with an R and the others start with an L (Fig. 14). Finally print a page where the letters on one line are in the gaps of the line above, as in Fig. 15. This last type is necessary when four hands in the pattern are all out of phase, as in the plain seven club three-count.

Fig. 13 - blank chart for rights in sync.

Fig. 14 - blank chart for alternate hands in sync.

Fig. 15 - blank chart for throws out of sync.


(If you have any comments or suggestions for Juggler's Workshop, write to: Juggler's Workshop, Palo Alto, CA or call Martin Frost.)

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